/wave Wow can't believe how many people are here! I am playing on Hyperion.. going to be a LalaI want to see the world from down below this time. I got tired of having to sit down to see taru faces. Name is Elle Vie.. Which means She is alive in French... and is pronounced LV..
I played for part of 1.0 but mostly leveled crafting after getting 1 job to 50. I was waiting for 2.0 to level with friends. Fodder has every craft to 50 and not 1 job leveled.. Haha he was waiting for everyone and 2.0 too.
I dont think Sassafras will play. She has a busy life and she loved XI so much I don't think she wants to be that hard core again. I will get her to come chat with us though! I bet Mythlon plays some. he travels a lot so really hard to do anything consistently.
Now that I know Ultima is up and running I will come here and check the news.
Wow, Elvier! I just noticed your sig too.... memories yeah?