Ranger Man
CORVAC. Wow. the gang's all getting back together. this is pretty damn exciting. My main MMO problem since XI is finding people that aren't total jackoffs to play with :/ hooray for you guys, seriously
Hey Benny and all! Good to see so many friendly faces still around after all these years! I wish FFXIV v1 was a bit more successful to where as I could have stuck around longer, but it was brutal trying to stick with it, so sadly I haven't been around these forums probably since 09! Heck... I still have my damn FFXI avatar picture...
Anyways, I am super pumped to try this new version out, from everything I am hearing and reading it sounds awesome. I only played the ARR beta up to Character Creation... LOL I know...
Ethernetfreak/Aang... I talked to some of the "old" SGN/JEC guys and we are planning on playing on Hyperion (hopefully we can join you guys in Ultima, or whatever guild). Some of the people I am talkin about are Eagletalon, Bonds, Zakensign, Static.
Good to see some of you guys again!
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