I married FFXIV!

Grats though, Ono!
Hi all, I carried over my 1.0 character on Hyperion, Croydon Onocern. Add me to friends list and say hi if you catch me on, or if you need help, have a few jobs/classes at 50, and most others in the 30~40 range. Saw Aang on the other day and added him.

I have weird playing hours, bought a new house last week and getting married at the end of the month, but sometimes get an hour in the evenings, or on Thursday and Saturday mornings.

With a name like that, I knew who it was right off the bat.

Congratulations on leveling-up in RL! :D
I'll try to catch you on tonight or whenever unless someone else beats me to it.
So, I've been trying for a while now to get on Hyperion. Any word on when character creation will ever be allowed? Getting tired of waiting, but don't want to pay for a transfer later...
So, I've been trying for a while now to get on Hyperion. Any word on when character creation will ever be allowed? Getting tired of waiting, but don't want to pay for a transfer later...

It stays blocked off most of the time, but there seem to be windows opening up from time to time. It's just a matter of luck right now. We hope that they will allow free transfers for a short time to get people moved over. If we weren't so connected with other people already here [on Hyperion], I'd say we all just move to a less populated server.

The transfer options, I hope they announce soon because I know people like yourself are getting impatient and aren't so thrilled about paying for a transfer.

I'll keep an eye open this weekend with my second account and watch for Hyperion to become available.
Yeah, I've been watching it. I check every 45min to 1hr, in between episodes of whatever I happen to be watching. Not sure how much longer I will be able to keep it up...
Yeah, I've been watching it. I check every 45min to 1hr, in between episodes of whatever I happen to be watching. Not sure how much longer I will be able to keep it up...

I got fed up doing so, been at it since last week. Never saw Hyperion open once any of the hundreds of times I tried. Coupled with the immense congestion I was ready to punch babies. so after the big maintenance Ive just been rolling on Gilgamesh. Actually having a lot of fun!

Id like to hope SE won't charge for transfers, at least fresh out of the gate, with all this malarkey thats transpired.
the congestion has been nonexistent for me since their update the other day. Here's hoping they've got the issues resolved! After that they can hopefully move on to opening up servers again.
I managed to get in Hyperion just before the storm but at least one friend couldn't. I have 3/4 of my group of friends in so at least we cover the basic classes for those dungeons :D