So many old pals, I'm all giddy now...

Seems to be nothing on the game's page about Red Mage though :mad:

Ah well.

Xer - You'll have to have a look at the new job/class system used in FFXIV. It will expand, I'm sure but some of the more basic classes will be there at the launch. Take a look here to start reading:

Also, start thinking about your character name. You have to enter a first and last name, which I still find absurd. Granted, you only need the first name usually to /tell someone, but it gets too cluttered on the screen with so many names unless you hide them.
Side note:

I was checking for people that have at least logged in recently to see if they were even checking.... 36 people minus 2 junk accounts, so 34 people that actually matter. None of our MIA discussed above have shown up, but a few others have checked in but kept quiet. For other people that I think it would be worth contacting, I'll do via FB or via the last known email account that I have.

@Xerlaoth @Koul > that's a good idea.

Another point I forgot to mention is that your starting city is chosen by your initial job/class. (I believe because of the job quest-chain system in place.)

I'm pretty sure I'm sticking with Archer, I had a lot of fun with that class.
@Koul Way ahead of you. I messed around with it a few days ago and my little hybrid laptop/tablet handled it okay I don't guess I'll be able to import whatever I make on PC to the PS3 version though, eh?

@Aangeliceus Thanks for the resource. I'll read it through after work today for sure!
@Koul Way ahead of you. I messed around with it a few days ago and my little hybrid laptop/tablet handled it okay I don't guess I'll be able to import whatever I make on PC to the PS3 version though, eh?

@Aangeliceus Thanks for the resource. I'll read it through after work today for sure!

I don't think you can save or export anything with the benchmark. It's just a testing/demonstration application. It should save you some time when creating a character in-game though. I must have spent an hour creating a character for the beta test version, lol. So many details and options to choose from.
Yeah Xer, up in Ipswich although we are hoping to move a bit more southern north shore this fall, somewhere around Stoneham probably.



To get a couple things out of the way:

1. I apologize for all my prior posts. Every single one. I went through a few threads because I'd been thinking about playing ARR, and I cannot stand my pre-25th birthday self.

2. I live in Massachusetts now, and it sucks up here. I miss NC. But I like my job! I'm an immigration officer. Don't ask me anything else about it.

3. I have not spoken to Aze in a bit over five years. If she turns back up I will run and hide, as is protocol. Don't ask me anything else about this, either!

4. My time with you folks in FFXI was way too much fun, but it also kept me from graduating college in a timely manner! Thank you/curse you all for that. I haven't loved an MMO like that since. I mostly play console (or, finish-able) games now and plan to continue doing so. I don't know if FFXIV will require/reward the kind of fanaticism I displayed in FFXI, but I don't think I have that kind of dedication in me anymore. Except for the first two months after a Monster Hunter release. Anyway, I'll be playing on PS3 and moving to PS4 if I'm still playing by the time that comes out. I never touched XIV, so if there's anything I should know... well, yell at me. Should I play on the consensus server that you guys'll be on? ...I saw somewhere in this thread that people will be joining the Nakama shell. The name still kind of gets my hackles up!

Hey hey Xer! Glad to see you are well. I live with my gf now. And she definitely looks at me funny or try to sabotage my games if I'm on them too long lol. So I'll be riding the casual bus with you catching up on old times heh.
Xer - You'll have to have a look at the new job/class system used in FFXIV. It will expand, I'm sure but some of the more basic classes will be there at the launch. Take a look here to start reading:

Also, start thinking about your character name. You have to enter a first and last name, which I still find absurd. Granted, you only need the first name usually to /tell someone, but it gets too cluttered on the screen with so many names unless you hide them.

Hmm, after doing some reading I think I want to try all the classes to start. I take it you're able to change them on the fly, that's what the whole "Armory" thing is about? I think I'll see how our little group begins to form and pick a focus based on need. Gladiator, Bard, and any of the mages all sound fun to me. Do you generally see the basic classes used, or does everyone mostly graduate to the jobs (Paladin, Bard, etc.) once they're unlocked?

Also, I don't know if anyone really knows this yet... is the Collector's Edition stuff meaningful? $20 more isn't really a big deal to me, but I've never been big into unearned cosmetic flourishes (pets, skins, etc).

Here they are, in case it's not widely known:

Helm of Light
Become one of the fabled warriors of light when you equip this exclusive helmet.

Baby Behemoth Minion
Summon this cute, but ferocious miniature version of Behemoth and watch him roar with excitement as you adventure through Eorzea.

Coeurl Mount
Only the bravest of warriors are able to tame and ride the mighty coeurl. Show off your prowess with this exclusive mount.

Behemoth Barding
Customise your Chocobo with the fearsome Behemoth Chocobo Armour and charge in to battle.

Last thing... Aang you said Mumble for voicechat is likely, yes? I see an Android app for that, that'd be nice for me.
/wave Wow can't believe how many people are here! I am playing on Hyperion.. going to be a Lala :p I want to see the world from down below this time. I got tired of having to sit down to see taru faces. Name is Elle Vie.. Which means She is alive in French... and is pronounced LV..
I played for part of 1.0 but mostly leveled crafting after getting 1 job to 50. I was waiting for 2.0 to level with friends. Fodder has every craft to 50 and not 1 job leveled.. Haha he was waiting for everyone and 2.0 too.
I dont think Sassafras will play. She has a busy life and she loved XI so much I don't think she wants to be that hard core again. I will get her to come chat with us though! I bet Mythlon plays some. he travels a lot so really hard to do anything consistently.
Now that I know Ultima is up and running I will come here and check the news.
Elvier! Good to see you and glad to see you playing. I can't imagine Sassafras playing again, she looks incredibly busy.

Can't say that I'll get used to you not being an elf, lol.

Please don't be a stranger. :)
Hmm. Well, I just found out that I'm going to Texas for a whopping seven weeks, starting in October. I'm wrestling with the idea of bringing my PS3 with me, but I'll be on convention center or hotel internet, which is notoriously crappy.
Oh god, Texas for any weeks is an adventure in suck. Hope it's Austin, at least.

Nope, Dallas. I've only ever driven through the state. From what my colleagues tell me, this training grind is what you make it. Some call it super boring, others say it was like adult summer camp. We shall see!
Aang, is there a good way to package up the files for phase4 so I can easily transfer them to Fodder? If I just copy over the app folder will that be enough?
Aang, is there a good way to package up the files for phase4 so I can easily transfer them to Fodder? If I just copy over the app folder will that be enough?

It looks the same. Just pack up the folder from the Program Files directory. That's what I did for you last time.

If he's got the client (boot folder) already, then this should be fine:

C:\Program Files (x86)\SquareEnix\FINAL FANTASY XIV - A Realm Reborn\game
Nope, Dallas. I've only ever driven through the state. From what my colleagues tell me, this training grind is what you make it. Some call it super boring, others say it was like adult summer camp. We shall see!

Dallas - If you like sushi, I have a family member that owns a Japanese market/grocery store. She has a eat-in area and has sushi as well as other dishes that are pretty good. If you're interested, I can send you her name and the store's address.