Good to see you around again, Garret. I have a pretty busy schedule, too -- usually putting in 60-70 hours of work a week to get things the way I want them. Also recently engaged, and between planning the wedding and all the work hours, I can still manage to keep up in FFXIV, if that gives you any sense of how much more casual it is.
I talked to Soj and it's unlikely that he will be returning to gaming at all, let alone online games.
Just tell Soj.. what happens in Eorzea stays in Eorzea.
Really? Soj told me like a month ago that he was planning to make a guy on Hyperion with us. Maybe he changed his mind in the time since then :(
Well I see lots of people have had the same thoughts I have... I see many names I recognize it's kinda crazy I haven't thought about a final fantasy MMO in forever.

<- can't believe this avatar is still around.

Anyway, dunno if anyone remembers me I was around during the founding of Ultima and was there when we first took down Kirin; I'm looking forward to FFXIV and I hope to see more people I recognize. I've yet to find another group of people in an MMO as awesome as my first real guild in an MMO. Ultima forever!
I hope he plays. I'll send him some pictures of me playing ぎゃるがん and tell him it's FF14 phase 4 beta.

Also, it seems Phase 4 is August 16-19, with Early Access starting August 24-26th. Level cap during phase 4 is 20. Arcanist and PvP will be up.
Grats on your engagement SE. Definitely a lot of work getting things off the ground for that.

GuessI'll just have to pick things up!
I remember you Shin :) I wonder what Apocopoo is up to? :P /shudder

and Benny, I'll take all the sweet sweet heals and medicas you can throw at me.
Great to see more people showing up out of the woodwork.

I'm hoping some more people show up as we get closer to the Phase 4 Beta and the actual release.

It seems that they are going to release a new client for Phase 4 testing. My current FFXIV client won't update any more or even bother to check for updates.

If you haven't already, check your PC with the latest benchmark:
Good to see you around again, Garret. I have a pretty busy schedule, too -- usually putting in 60-70 hours of work a week to get things the way I want them. Also recently engaged, and between planning the wedding and all the work hours, I can still manage to keep up in FFXIV, if that gives you any sense of how much more casual it is.

Shadowedge, congratulations. I think I already said so on FB, but yeah a second time never hurts. :)
Yeah lol, it's crazy. Only scored a 3840 but plan on building a new pc soon.. for gaming in general, not just for ffxiv.

Still on a dual core, if that says anything. Though it's held up amazingly well.
In Maine on vacation but will have to benchmark when I get home tomorrow. If I can run skyrim on fair settings think ffxiv will be ok? Are the graphics requirements much higher than original release? I could play the initial one on this computer with solid settings.
Requirements are lower, not nearly as demanding. So you should be fine.
In Maine on vacation but will have to benchmark when I get home tomorrow. If I can run skyrim on fair settings think ffxiv will be ok? Are the graphics requirements much higher than original release? I could play the initial one on this computer with solid settings.

Garret, I think if you can run Skyrim at decent settings, you shouldn't have any problem with FFXIV. The graphics options are fairly wide, so you should be able to find a setting that works well for your machine.
On the benchmark I only get about a 4,000 score at max settings (no changes) at 2560x1600 yet in phase 3 I ran the game just fine with the same settings and averaging 30-50fps in populated areas (fps dropped to the 20's in towns). Really wish I could get my pals to roll on hyperion but it just doesn't look likely. :( Might have to roll a second character over there to mess around with on occasion.
Spundundee just came out of the woodwork, I was just getting ready to ask if anyone had talked to him as well.
Is there someplace I should be downloading a new client from? I have the one from phase3 but not sure if I need something new..
Is there someplace I should be downloading a new client from? I have the one from phase3 but not sure if I need something new..

It's not been released yet as far as I know.... It's a big question that hasn't been answered yet.
Good job @furax -- I had to go look that one up. :LOL:

Aqua - Contact is in progress, waiting for a reply. I think it would be too weird if I go stalk him. :whistle:

I'll poke aqua on ps3 and demand that he plays lol.