Lotting Priority

Hmmm, there's another item discussion?

The item distribution has job-priorities because those jobs will have "better" use than the other jobs who can equip them. This list however is not set in stone. The game content and game style change over time and so will this list. The game keeps changing as new game content is introduced, as well as tactics and the use of different items in the game. If you can justify why your job should be higher on the job ranking, go ahead and justify it on this thread.

New Members vs. Old Members?

Well, if you think that it's quite unfair if a new member cuts in before a senior member of the LS over an item then... uh, please re-think the purpose of why you came in to this LS. You must remember that seniority doesn't guarantee contribution. Seniority is not equal to Loads of Contribution! There were senior members that I know before who just sat and kept making excuses here and there until their excuses held no more water.

Before any "New Member" is allowed to go in this LS, you have the right to vote. Heck, after voting that "New Member" has a 1 month trial period to go through. You can voice your opinion over to a sackholder regarding a probationary member if they meet your expectations and standards. Do you accept them as a comrade and an LS mate? If you don't and you have any concerns then voice them, speak up and let the truth be heard.

If you create something as miniscule as this and create an issue regarding old member vs. new member getting an item is very hypocritical. You accepted them to be a part of Ultima; hence a part of you.

As a family, common courtesy should be observed. There is no need to bicker over an item eventually you will get them. You must remember that you were once a new member as well, and older members have "paid it forward". It's not hard to give common courtesy to family members, is it?

Another thing that I observe is that the items in question are often "God Armors" how come the item in question are not the rare king HNM abjurations? It was very good to see that there was common courtesy played regarding Loser's A. Body and JGP's A. Body not only between them but the overall concern of the LS members towards what happened. Why "God-armors" because we have easy access to those armors, instead of putting much effort into these debates, why not put your focus in collecting the items needed to pop these Gods and let the "God armor" rain? There was a time in the LS when "God armors" are given away to people who don't even rank highest in the lotting priority. Participate in scheduled god pop item runs and impromptu god item runs. You don't need a sackholder to organize god-item runs as they can easily be done with 6 people(For easy NMs specially Byakko POPs).
Yeah :D I need to speak up and voice my take though I'm currently outside of the game since I don't want the LS ideals to deteriorate.

Instead of arguing of who gets who in particular try to suggest a constructive criticism on how to solve the issue.

Easy access to the "God-armors" since the items are readily available and can be popped any time. Why not count the number of members who can use the particular item of interest and collect more than enough god pops for that particular god and do an item sweep?

Let's say Byakko. The NMs can be killed easily with 6 people both Ullikummi and Despot. Example count of people who can equip(including old and new) Byakko's Haidate is 5 or 6 people, try and collect 12 Byakko pops in the span of 2 weeks, 3 weeks, or even a month. After having sufficient pops, do a Byakko run exclusively on a certain date where the people who needs them can show up.
... Oi, I like this idea a lot better than doing 1x each god every week...
It's not fair Aluc... you get to speak up with the attention of Moses parting the Red Sea due to your current RL stint!

/em Grawrs!
As usual Aluc is the voice of intelligence and reason^^ I think it's a natural phase for a sky LS to pass into where they're so close to done that specific members who want a specific item organize hunts for the pop items.

Look me up anytime for Despot or (esp!!) Ulli ^^ ^^

I somehow missed the middle of this thread.

Some things I need to comment on:

Gunman, I read your post...and re-read what I typed and it definitely read in a bad way. I'm sorry. When I typed it, I was merely intending to say "Here's another example of someone moving to the head of the line". The "...and I have no doubt in my mind that common courtesy will not be a solution." was intended to be attached to the newer members bit at the beginning. Regardless, I was wrong to even put your name up there. I typed the bit about common courtesy because I really don't think all new members will send tells asking people 'do you want this more than I do?' (as was the case between Predakng and Fiko). I really appreciate your help with PMs, which made it even more important to try to clear this up. Again, I apologize.

On to the less important stuff:

Points system: No Thanks. We all know who's doing their best and who isn't.

I really like Fodder's idea of having the SHs decide who can lot based on contribution. BUT, I also think that the lotting priorities need to always be considered. Having these rules allows us to argue about them before we ever see any drops.

In the end, I think everyone would like to see the best gear go to the best job, provided all things are equal....which is seldom the case.

To quote Aluciont: Seniority is not equal to Loads of Contribution!

So here are my final thoughts:

We continue to use the lotting priorities as they were intended (to better the LS as a whole), but also recognizing contribution. People who work harder get a bump in priority, and perhaps people who don't work as hard get pushed down in priority. No one wants to see someone who hasnt been giving their best get defaulted a nice item based on the priorities list. So I say a few more good old fashioned {Cast Lots} may be in order.
Fodder said:
I DO feel that we should consider weighing contribution into drops more. We have a number of members who consistently come to LS events, I always see them there putting the LS before themselves. Equipping these people first would benefit the LS more than just doing it by job. There's no point in giving a PLD W. Legs if said PLD only shows up for 1 event a week when there is an RDM who is there 5/6 times week after week, month after month.

Aluciont said:
Well, if you think that it's quite unfair if a new member cuts in before a senior member of the LS over an item then... uh, please re-think the purpose of why you came in to this LS. You must remember that seniority doesn't guarantee contribution. Seniority is not equal to Loads of Contribution! There were senior members that I know before who just sat and kept making excuses here and there until their excuses held no more water.

I'm Very disappointed how the drops were handled for KB and Aspid. I'm noone to say shit but i want all to know this shit has me very angry.
Kenshinth said:
I'm Very disappointed how the drops were handled for KB and Aspid. I'm noone to say shit but i want all to know this shit has me very angry.

If im not mistaken, drops were handled similar to the Nidhogg where you got your M body. Most people felt that Aluciont should have automatically gotten this Abj., but He (Aluc) felt that the fair thing would be that all Pld should be able to lot. So therefore you roled highest and won the M Body, same as Gunman and Shrikey did for M legs at KB. Also Ilmgard roled highest at Aspid so he got his A. body.

So im failing to see the problem. Everybody gets a chance to win and the more KB's and Aspids we do the more chances well have to get more of these Abj.

That is unless we become too lazy.......but in my opinion the drops were handled as they should be and its the same way its always been. Some people get good lots and some dont, but all get a fair shot. To those who didnt get drops theyre luck well come next time.

Lets worry more about us kicking ass like we did yesterday rather then who got what eh?

I would have gladly passed the M.body but aluciont told us to all lot w/e im done here. Plus wut i quoted still stands "You must remember that seniority doesn't guarantee contribution. Seniority is not equal to Loads of Contribution!"
Fact of the matter is that yesterday's drops proved that M. Legs are not that far out of reach for us, and ceratinly not an uncommon drop, considering we got 2 at the same time. If we go to KB again, chances are we'll get more. And with the new claim system, it seems that WE have the advantage considernig we've gotten almost every claim that we've gone after. I know it's frustrating to lose a lot (much less lose it twice) but no matter who it goes to, the linkshell gets stronger. Honestly I think drops couldn't have been handled better. The 2 M. Legs went to 2 good PLDs, the Pixie Earring went to a good THF, and the Shining Cloth will be used to equip other THFs with more Thief's Knifes. If you look at the big picture, KB was a huge success.
Kenshinth said:
I would have gladly passed the M.body but aluciont told us to all lot w/e im done here. Plus wut i quoted still stands "You must remember that seniority doesn't guarantee contribution. Seniority is not equal to Loads of Contribution!"

Well Exactly, Fodder told all Plds and all Thfs to lot on Legs and Pixie and all Mages to lot on A. Body. The same way Aluc. would have.
On the same page, I'd like to nominate an alteration to the A. body lotting order - it was changed momentarily to all mages and then reset to its original SMN > all order after a few people disagreed with the change. From what I understand, lotting is put into order in regard to which jobs can put best use to an item; I quite honestly do not believe after the introduction of Yinyang Robe SMN needs a. body abjuration MORE than the other jobs; I'm not saying they cound't use it, but as stated every mage job (with the exception of RDM) now has a refresh-able body piece, and many thought it should be changed to all mages for this reason.

(From my understanding talking to the few SMN that have it, Yinyang robe 'blows away' A. Body, and I can understand how.)

The stats on A. Body are not godly by any means for every job as it might be for SMN; however, the case still stands that, after this addition, every job SHOULD be able to lot. A. body may be nice on a SMN without the robe, but what happens when the SMN gets said robe (which is quite a fair amount easier to get than A. body) and the Dalmatica is no longer put to use? I really think the lotting order for that needs to be revised; apparently, a few others feel the same way. I personally am unsure how often BLM's for example would use a. body, but going off the example of refreshable body pieces for every job, BLM's piece is a cloak, thus restraining the use of a head gear... While some may pass this off, 50 spare MP, refresh, AND the ability to use AF1 / AF2 / Elite Beret on the head slot is quite nice indeed; if not GODLY, at least on par with SMN's and WHM's and BRD"s for 'usability'.
The only complaint I have about how lots were conducted at the two camps is that I wasn't able to be online to come to them :(

While there has been discussion about different lotting priorities, contribution, etc, etc, to my understanding the rule stands at, "Your primary, your lot."

All Pld mains at KB are entitled to lot M. Legs, all Thf main Pixie Earring, I have no clue what the A. Body lotting priority is right now but I see nothing wrong how it was lotted.

If we are changing to something new then that's something for the sacks to decide and possibly have the entire shell vote on. Until then, to go with Pld examples, once someone's trial month is up they are entitled to lot against all the other Pld main for a Defending Ring. I would hope we're all in this for the long haul anyway so why should it even matter? Every claim and kill we get is just more stuff for the LS no matter which way you slice it. I bet even money we could go out and do most of these camps, claims, events, without most of the nice items we've accumulated anyway, they're just the icing on the cake for the hard work all of us put into the shell.

Regardless, major congratulations to Gunman & Shrikey on M. Legs, Archain on Pixie Earring, Ilmgard (I think?) on A. Body, Haku on egg, Aili on tongue, the LS on the Shining Cloth (being used for Thf knife true/untrue?).

I would like to register a complaint though, the Thf in this LS obviously need to start setting their TH2 & TH3 to Defending Ring mode. I know Arch has -TH2 instead of TH2 itself so maybe he needs to sit out or something, I dunno. But Galkasaur demands replacements for our meager Jelly Rings!!! -Thank you, that is all. :D
Garret said:
I would like to register a complaint though, the Thf in this LS obviously need to start setting their TH2 & TH3 to Defending Ring mode. I know Arch has -TH2 instead of TH2 itself so maybe he needs to sit out or something, I dunno. But Galkasaur demands replacements for our meager Jelly Rings!!! -Thank you, that is all. :D


How many NA have Defending ring on Valefor? I don't think any and then maybe 1, anyone know?
I'm Very disappointed how the drops were handled for KB and Aspid. I'm noone to say shit but i want all to know this shit has me very angry.

Ken, I'm curious what you didn't like about the drop allocation?

I'm asking but I did have an issue with every elligible main casting lots.

I really think that there needs to be some type of bump in a person elligilibility based on time spent. In the case of the M legs. I logged on as the first window was passing, and was immediately asked to come camp KB. At that time, the only PLDs that were there were Ken,Shrikey, ...and I 'think' Gunman was there from the beginning as well.

After a few hours, with no pop, others logged on and headed to camp.

Now when all is said and done, claim is made and the HNM is defeated, saying all elligible ppl lot is not fair. The fact is, some ppl contributed more than others.

I really don't see how its fair to say someone who showed up at the camp 2 hours after it started has the same chance to win a drop a person who had been there those 2 hours.
On the other hand....

KB will spawn again. We will kill it, again.
Aspid will spawn again. We will kill it, again.

Rinse and repeat.. the world is NOT over if you didn't get something or if you think something was handled wrong. That's the point of discussion and explination.

But please, remember that these HNM's do spawn at least once a week. ^^;;