Honestly from regular spawned Gods the only items I would place as needing an order are W. Legs & Osode.
One thing I'd mention is that when you mention all of these God Armors needing an order, they really aren't particularly rare. Are count on these items is limited only by the number of god pops we do any given week, if you count up the number of these items we have in the shell I'd guess it's probably a pretty hefty number.
If you are going to start doing orders for all of these God Armors then I would point out that other items we don't have drop orders for are the rarer abjurations and items from King HNM's such as;
A. Body
W. Body
W. Head
M. Legs
M. Body
M. Feet
E. Body
Defending Ring
N. Legs (I think this is what Nid drops)
Pixie Earring
Herald Gaiters
Noritsume Kote (w/e pair Tiamat drops)
I'm sure there are others I am forgetting but compare the count of force spawned items we have compared to those of the Kings. We have probably 10 Osodes or so in the linkshell? Maybe more, not really sure. Probably 7 or 8 pairs of W. Legs. And an even higher count of ones from the basic Gods I think. In comparison we have 2 A. Body, 1 W. Body, 1 W. Head, 0 M. Legs, 2 M. Body, 2 M. Feet, 0 Defending Rings, 1 E. Body, 1 N. Legs, 2 Pixie Earring, 1 Ridill. This is not counting items from people who have quit or left the shell.
IF people truly want an order for basic God Armors then I think it would be ludicrous not to have an order for these other items which are truly rare and which we could easily not even obtain 1 of in an entire year.
Just to use Pld as an example, both Fulio & Gunman have recently changed their main to this and there are others in the shell who have Pld high enough to change it if they desired to. So this currently brings up 2 new Pld who by current rules would be ahead of others in W. Leg lotting as well as placing them on a growing list of lotting what in general are relatively rare Pld abj and items.
Honestly I have no problem with the current system. If the idea is to be a community then a lot of these item drops shouldn't matter so much. If Fulio happens to beat me on a Defending Ring tomorrow after just switching to Pld I would congratulate him and hope it was the first of many, and I would hope any others in the shell would feel the same.
I do feel that changing the way we distribute lots based on seniority is really going to be a double edged sword against newer members, as Benny said some of these items are little more than toys and status symbols to some jobs while they are needed and amazing equipment for others. Denying them to newer members in favor of old would create a cycle where new members will effectively not get items until any and all vets wanting that item have recieved it which really doesn't seem fair to new members. I assume that our newer members are planning to stay with us for a long time, and as such it can only help the LS that our rules allow them to get what is appropriate equipment for their job earlier as opposed to later.
One thing I'd mention is that when you mention all of these God Armors needing an order, they really aren't particularly rare. Are count on these items is limited only by the number of god pops we do any given week, if you count up the number of these items we have in the shell I'd guess it's probably a pretty hefty number.
If you are going to start doing orders for all of these God Armors then I would point out that other items we don't have drop orders for are the rarer abjurations and items from King HNM's such as;
A. Body
W. Body
W. Head
M. Legs
M. Body
M. Feet
E. Body
Defending Ring
N. Legs (I think this is what Nid drops)
Pixie Earring
Herald Gaiters
Noritsume Kote (w/e pair Tiamat drops)
I'm sure there are others I am forgetting but compare the count of force spawned items we have compared to those of the Kings. We have probably 10 Osodes or so in the linkshell? Maybe more, not really sure. Probably 7 or 8 pairs of W. Legs. And an even higher count of ones from the basic Gods I think. In comparison we have 2 A. Body, 1 W. Body, 1 W. Head, 0 M. Legs, 2 M. Body, 2 M. Feet, 0 Defending Rings, 1 E. Body, 1 N. Legs, 2 Pixie Earring, 1 Ridill. This is not counting items from people who have quit or left the shell.
IF people truly want an order for basic God Armors then I think it would be ludicrous not to have an order for these other items which are truly rare and which we could easily not even obtain 1 of in an entire year.
Just to use Pld as an example, both Fulio & Gunman have recently changed their main to this and there are others in the shell who have Pld high enough to change it if they desired to. So this currently brings up 2 new Pld who by current rules would be ahead of others in W. Leg lotting as well as placing them on a growing list of lotting what in general are relatively rare Pld abj and items.
Honestly I have no problem with the current system. If the idea is to be a community then a lot of these item drops shouldn't matter so much. If Fulio happens to beat me on a Defending Ring tomorrow after just switching to Pld I would congratulate him and hope it was the first of many, and I would hope any others in the shell would feel the same.
I do feel that changing the way we distribute lots based on seniority is really going to be a double edged sword against newer members, as Benny said some of these items are little more than toys and status symbols to some jobs while they are needed and amazing equipment for others. Denying them to newer members in favor of old would create a cycle where new members will effectively not get items until any and all vets wanting that item have recieved it which really doesn't seem fair to new members. I assume that our newer members are planning to stay with us for a long time, and as such it can only help the LS that our rules allow them to get what is appropriate equipment for their job earlier as opposed to later.