CORVAC. Wow. the gang's all getting back together. this is pretty damn exciting. My main MMO problem since XI is finding people that aren't total jackoffs to play with :/ hooray for you guys, seriously

Hey Benny and all! Good to see so many friendly faces still around after all these years! I wish FFXIV v1 was a bit more successful to where as I could have stuck around longer, but it was brutal trying to stick with it, so sadly I haven't been around these forums probably since 09! Heck... I still have my damn FFXI avatar picture...

Anyways, I am super pumped to try this new version out, from everything I am hearing and reading it sounds awesome. I only played the ARR beta up to Character Creation... LOL I know...

Ethernetfreak/Aang... I talked to some of the "old" SGN/JEC guys and we are planning on playing on Hyperion (hopefully we can join you guys in Ultima, or whatever guild). Some of the people I am talkin about are Eagletalon, Bonds, Zakensign, Static.

Good to see some of you guys again!
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Aang - Are you gonna be hosting your own mumble server? If not I've had my mumble server hosted from for several years now and have 0 complaints about them.

Holy crap it's Corv! Man it's great seeing all these names again. :)

I'll definitely be rolling an alt on Hyperion when I can, group I'm playing with is rolling on Ultros but I'll still pop over to visit ya'll on occasion.
Hey Hey Corv! How you been?!

- Falk!!!!! you going to be part timing boss? :-( lol
Valg - Yeah I'm kinda torn between groups of friends and that makes playing a little rough... Did my best to try and convince my other pals to roll on Hyperion but they all wanted to play on a new server rather than one that'll be established pretty quickly once the gaming begins. So because of that I'll still be rolling a toon on Hyperion but probably be playing the Ultros toon primarily. :(
It's all good man, enjoy it wherever you can. Glad to have ya back, even if it's only partially lol.



To get a couple things out of the way:

1. I apologize for all my prior posts. Every single one. I went through a few threads because I'd been thinking about playing ARR, and I cannot stand my pre-25th birthday self.

2. I live in Massachusetts now, and it sucks up here. I miss NC. But I like my job! I'm an immigration officer. Don't ask me anything else about it.

3. I have not spoken to Aze in a bit over five years. If she turns back up I will run and hide, as is protocol. Don't ask me anything else about this, either!

4. My time with you folks in FFXI was way too much fun, but it also kept me from graduating college in a timely manner! Thank you/curse you all for that. I haven't loved an MMO like that since. I mostly play console (or, finish-able) games now and plan to continue doing so. I don't know if FFXIV will require/reward the kind of fanaticism I displayed in FFXI, but I don't think I have that kind of dedication in me anymore. Except for the first two months after a Monster Hunter release. Anyway, I'll be playing on PS3 and moving to PS4 if I'm still playing by the time that comes out. I never touched XIV, so if there's anything I should know... well, yell at me. Should I play on the consensus server that you guys'll be on? ...I saw somewhere in this thread that people will be joining the Nakama shell. The name still kind of gets my hackles up!
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Hoo, reading this "Turn this car around?" thread is a little hard on the heart.

Seems there were a lot of bans in early '09 that decimated the Linkshell? Someone fill me in please.
Hay Xer! :3

Those would be the salvage bans, I think. I quit long before then but from what I remember there was a glitch or something that you did while in a group... or... something. and it would duplicate the drops. So, people would do this for epic lootz.

bugs were reported to SE blahblahblah. This duping went on for MONTHS until finally SE turned on the banhammer and took out people. Entire servers were devastated by this.

and FF14 is definitely not as intensive as FF11. You can be mega casual with it if you want to and still enjoy it. The lead director of 14 has said that most of the content is going to be aimed towards the casual market, so you shouldn't stress about 3 hour HNM camps or anything like that. The MMO scene has changed drastically since 11, so, if you wanna play casually then I say do it and join us on Hyperion! :D
Koul! *hugs*

Alright then, Hyperion it is. I'd rather play on a fresh server, but I need to catch up with all of you folks.

Am I the lonesome northeastern New Englander?

Hoy, Galk! I see in your profile you are in Ipswich. I live in Lawrence because I hate myself and love seeing broken glass on my walk to work!
Hey Benny and all! Good to see so many friendly faces still around after all these years! I wish FFXIV v1 was a bit more successful to where as I could have stuck around longer, but it was brutal trying to stick with it, so sadly I haven't been around these forums probably since 09! Heck... I still have my damn FFXI avatar picture...

Anyways, I am super pumped to try this new version out, from everything I am hearing and reading it sounds awesome. I only played the ARR beta up to Character Creation... LOL I know...

Ethernetfreak/Aang... I talked to some of the "old" SGN/JEC guys and we are planning on playing on Hyperion (hopefully we can join you guys in Ultima, or whatever guild). Some of the people I am talkin about are Eagletalon, Bonds, Zakensign, Static.

Good to see some of you guys again!
Corvac, you too man.

I'm still catching up with people here and on Steam.
Aang - Are you gonna be hosting your own mumble server? If not I've had my mumble server hosted from for several years now and have 0 complaints about them.

Holy crap it's Corv! Man it's great seeing all these names again. :)

I'll definitely be rolling an alt on Hyperion when I can, group I'm playing with is rolling on Ultros but I'll still pop over to visit ya'll on occasion.

I still own my own my hosted hardware, so I'll be running a local service. It will be accessible via --- it's running now but I've not finished configuring it yet.
Xerl - We all kinda grew up (old) together so it's all good. To think, I was still in my lower-mid 20's when I first met almost all of you. lol

I've played damn near every MMO there is to try right now (because I love game hopping...) and I can, with 100% certainty, say that my time in FFXI with Ultima has been the best experience I've ever had in an MMO. Still hate that my move back in the day caused to me quit the game and lose the original Falk..
Even though I'll only be playing part-time in Hyperion I still can't wait to see ya'll in game again.
So many old pals, I'm all giddy now...

Seems to be nothing on the game's page about Red Mage though >:(

Ah well.
So many old names popping up in here. Hi everyone.

@Xerlaoth B2UP... What about Shishicouch and Enwei?

Sojourno is going to play or I will draw some naked pics of his pretend wife in MS Paint and post them on the web.

While I'm going to be one of the leaders of The Nakama, I'll be sure to get a pearl from AA TT so I can stay in touch.

I'm planning to set FFXI aside this Friday.

AFAIK Archain and Snugglebutt are going to be playing, whether it's with each other or FFXIV remains to be seen.

In addition to everyone who's already planning to make a showing, it would be cool to see Aquazero and Sarahlynn again too. Keep at 'em!

Edit: Don't knock my 512k Dismally Slow Line. The easement just went in to run fiber up the hill, and the new DSLAM is in the 2014 budget so I get 40Mb sometime next year.
So many old names popping up in here. Hi everyone.

@Xerlaoth B2UP... What about Shishicouch and Enwei?

Sojourno is going to play or I will draw some naked pics of his pretend wife in MS Paint and post them on the web.

While I'm going to be one of the leaders of The Nakama, I'll be sure to get a pearl from AA TT so I can stay in touch.

I'm planning to set FFXI aside this Friday.

AFAIK Archain and Snugglebutt are going to be playing, whether it's with each other or FFXIV remains to be seen.

In addition to everyone who's already planning to make a showing, it would be cool to see Aquazero and Sarahlynn again too. Keep at 'em!

Let's see...

Quitting FFXI, completely? I'll believe it when I see it. :) It's hard to not login and run around to do a few things every now and then.

We're working on Aquazero, but our only real contact is via PS3 since his old email provider went defunct a few years back. That was the only normal contact I had with him aside from PS3. He had intended to move on with his life, but no idea what's happened since them. Sarahlynn, no word yet.

For those people we've gotten in touch with, some never have touched FFXIV nor FFXI since the CoP days. Some adjustment and learning is required. > @Xerlaoth :D
I saw Dworvos and Defiant on that old FF14 list. Are they gunna be playing ARR, Aang? Get to work and figure it out!