Servers Sort of Up

So I guess I shouldn't even bother trying to log in when I get home. Yay!
Didn't make it 25 -- got caught up in quests that ran me all over creation, so I'm level 24.8 and I need to sleep.

Still didn't have any problems on the last 3 instances I ran through, just logged out.

Looking forward to seeing things go well today/tomorrow. :D

No huge rush !
Still popping a queue around lunchtime on a Monday.. can't wait to see what it is after work :P
Server full for the past 30 minutes. I'm guessing most of us won't be able to get online again. Aa, can you run down to SE HQ and kindly ask them to transfer everyone to JP servers so we can play?
I managed to login finally! Garret Kedar!

Saw you @ Goldsmith guild and yet i wasn't sure it was you other then you being a Galka haha....
So I guess I won't be playing.. error 1017.. server full come back
I am being 1017'd too earlier today people kept clicking and got past 1017.. by now probably too many online :/
/wave /wave Hi Garret!! and Defiant!! You both on Hyperion?
Found this online...

When trying to defeat the Error 1017 boss. If you're tired of clicking and moving your mouse around the screen, just use this tip.

Spam the Num-Pad 0 key. It will hit Start, pick your last character, Confirm, and close the Error 1017 window all in one.

I got into the queue just now...and then it 1017'd me...
/sigh Thanks for the help Ekan.. I got in a Que then kicked.. It was fun to at least get in a que for a while. Think I am done for the night.. been doing this for 45 minutes.
Kind of disappointed in this issue.... 1017.....sigh
Well, back to the drawing board to fix capacity issues. I'm begging to believe that the world engines weren't designed to be robust enough to handle the load. Worst case, they cheaped out on server hardware and other backend support. Choking DB server anyone?
Will be another launch disaster if they don't resolve it somewhat soon I imagine. Nobody likes to sit and spam join game repeatedly.
lol I gave up for the night. Though I really didn't try to get in... ain't nobody got time for that.
I have confidence that they'll fix it. Their company can't take another large loss as it did with 1.0 and other failures.

FFXI is still profitable because it still has a good size player base and the upkeep is minimal at this point.

They know that ARR needs to come out on top or that's the end of SE in terms of MMOs go. Doomsday and all that jazz... etc.
Three beers later and the 1017 still makes me mad :p I just hope they do something like offer to move entire LS's/ Fc's to another server or whatever it take s to stop this.