Servers Sort of Up

I transferred from a JP server into all of this just to be with you guys <3

But seriously, </3
Hmmmm a JP server comes to mind that matches your FC :P But S-E needs to raise the cap on servers and open free world migrations to fix some of the issues.
No server list.. again and again and again I am taking a break
Tales of xillia it is.
The game hasn't even fully released. Is it going to be like this awhile? Or just until people need to start paying to play ...

PS: Hi Garret!
As much as everyone says 'It just came out, it'll be rocky' it kinda worries me because what they're telling us is the servers are just full, beyond their capacity, and even the ones that arent necessarily crammed, the duty finder server is overloaded....

And its just the preorders / legacy right now.

And in TWO days all these new people will be coming to play (or they wont!) and MOST of the servers are already at capacity. wtfbbq :/
I almost expect them to add new servers and implement a free server move with incentive of special perks/items... or maybe they'll iron the kinks out by Tuesday..
I'd have to find the source but the folks on reddit have quoted SE as stating they will not buy additional servers.

It kinda makes sense I guess, if you buy a bunch now, in a month you have a bunch of ghost towns and added costs and overhead.. but still. I havent been able to log in once today.
I expect them to schedule emergency maintenance every single day this week as the failure cascades through their IT infrastructure. I set these expectations in order to be unexpectedly delighted by the lack of issue the rest of the week.
It seems like a vicious circle. Potentially waste money on servers so people can play the game or don't add more servers and turn people off from the game and lose potential subscribers? Hummm....
There's a ton of servers either way..
I'm fine with errors and shit but I swear to god. Error 1017 is the most frustrating bullshit error in the freaking world. Add a goddamn queue system. I don't care if I'm 92183761236 in line. I could at least leave it on and piss around doing something else till I'm logged in. Not wondering when would be a good time to TRY to login
They have more than enough servers just in different regions. They need to make it like 1.0/XI and just have all the servers listed without any specific regions. A lot of JP players rolled on NA/EU possibly because they're more populated. IMO just combine them all like before and open up free migrations. Other than that just raise the capacity on some high pop realms if the migrations don't reduce the pops on some servers. I know easier said than done plus this won't happen but this would be the way to go and resolve some of the issues.
Finally got into a damn queue. Mother of fuck.

jaykay. It 1017'd me. hohohooh
I FINALLY got in, and as it was loading, 1012'd. Back to square one.
Lol, I'm just gonna assume stuff is broken til you guys tell me otherwise. I've been running errands and doing chores today, and once in a while I'd check to see if I could get in. It was always either the NA world list, the "world full" error, or the "lost connection to server" before logging in error.
Yeah, I'm upset at the fact they give ALL of NA and EU the same amount of servers as all of Japan. I mean it's a Japanese game but seriously? For over 50x the population you give the same amount. I think they set themselves up for a lot of failure. I mean I have the game for a month and I have every intention of enjoying that month if I can. If these issues aren't fixed by then though I think I may lose interest. :/
Still not being able to get onto Hyperion is super frustrating as it's not particularly fun to play server roulette every time I log in to create a character. I sincerely hope they have this issue resolve within the week. I doubt I'm alone in people that simply want to play with old friends and if it weren't for that motivation I would have almost no incentive to play.