I miss...

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 彡、    |∪| 、`\
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 ∪    (  \

Little 銀魂 reference for you there. (^ω^)

Oh, soj, get me this for xmas:

Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa that is amazing, I want one.
pff Eth its been more than 5 years!

I definitely miss alot of you guys. Although I tried wow, aion and Warhammer online, nothing comes close the fun and relationships I had in FFXI. Hopefully I will see alot of you guys in FFXIV (*cough* especially you Eth ^^)
I would definitely say what I miss most about the game is the comradery. Granted, was never in Ultima, I had become pretty good friends with most of you, and usually long before you joined Ultima. Not sure if I will be around in XIV but if you see a PB, be sure to check.

Oh, and AA, still haven't even had time to call. Hate this work schedule. Vacation starting tomorrow, Bahamas, here I come.
元気にしてる? FF13を予約したけど、届くにはあと何日か掛かると思う。楽しみにしてる^^
まだまだ日本語下手だけど、仕事のスケジュールにちょっと余裕できたから近いうちにまた授業を受けて再チャレンジしたい^^ もっともっと上手くなりたい~~ 


PS: this is previewing funky in firefox and I don't know what I did wrong :( bleh. maybe it will be right when I post it? somehow?
Great to see you Aqua and glad you are doing well. I applied to the beta a few minutes ago so we will see what happens. Can't wait for FFXIII too... but again we must wait.
Aqua!!!! =) great to hear from you... Just got back from Iraq 2 days ago.. I still need to out process, but I'll definitely send you a message on PS3.

I too signed up for the beta.. and I'm completely jealous that you are playing FFXIII already lol. Oh well MW2 will keep me busy until then =P.
Just signed up for XIV myself. Faye, you were always a stand-up guy, was a blast in our semi-static when you were mnk, think I was taking my nin to 75 then.

Aqua > Hope all is well, sad I never had the chance to meet up before I left Japan. Will be back though.
@Valgavv - Welcome back to the states! Glad you are home safely.

@Corvac - I'll be there. Good to see you dropping in here more often.

FFXIII - It's addictive. If FFXIV has even a slither of the quality of FFXIII, everyone is in for a real treat with the eye candy. The opening movie of FFXIII is just like a movie, you can't really believe it's a game until later on.

What I don't like about 13 so far - after each battle, you get a scorecard. You'll fight three or four guys, stop, get a scorecard... walk about 5 feet, rinse repeat.

I won't say anymore - it's a fun game and addicitve, will be putting in a lot of hours on the PS3 this weekend while the wife is out of town. ;)
To Benny
ほとんどの言葉はパーフェクトだけどちょっとだけ文字がおかしくなってるかも(゜▽゜ )
多分それはこのBBSのシステムが日本語ちゃんと出せないのかも(゜▽゜ )
フィールドを歩いてバトル > ムービー > バトル > ムービーのくりかえしで
パッと見た感じLS Ultimaは前のようにアクティブではないみたいだね

To Aa
better do not use material for custum weapon in early.
because you can get another type weapon later from field.
I`m on Episode 6 right now but keeping all materials for later or best weapon.
and blaster+blaster is weak.
however you need attackerx1 for keep higher break gauge.
this is my advice :)
I can't wait until March 9th :(
I think Japanese gamer sense and American gamer sense is different.
Benny might explain how good or bad about FF13 :)
Fiko your jealousy shower is so good for me :) jkjk
Thanks for the tips Aqua!

I'm on Episode 4 as of tonight. The Japanese is easy to follow using the Japanese subtitles. And the command menus are easy to read too, so it's worked out well. ;)

Back to playing! ;)
HEY AQUA-SAN!!! Your football skillz are too-weak!!!

Looking forward to it, I'll do my best not to call you Snuggle in front of other people.
