
Seems I'm going for the "Oh wow" feeling as well, since I've heard no word about the beta.
Grats Faye! Gonna send you a PM in that case..

And be careful about the NDA. SE doesn't want you revealing your identity as a tester.. although it doesn't look like they're really enforcing that, since everyone is ignoring it and I'm not hearing of anyone getting their access taken away. I'd rather play it safe though ;o
ooh you too Ono? yay!
Alpha* lol

And I started earlier this week also
Didn't get an invite, but a close friend of mine did, so I'll be popping in every now and then. ^^
Just checked my email I registered for the beta with and I got invited. Don't think I'm going to play it though
Yeah, the only servers you likely have heard about are the alpha servers, and retail will likely have new server names.
has anyone downloaded the nvidia benchmark test yet? Is it worth downloading for the opening fmv?

Most of us have with mixed results.

The benchmark is nothing special, just some character interactions and a short fight.

My results:



I'll be building a new system around the time the game is released and I guess they'll optimize things a bit more. (This benchmark wasn't optimized hardly at all...)
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Is there any notion as to what the score means with respect to the performance (i.e. a score of 2000 translates to 20 FPS)?
It's hard to say really. SE has a guide but the Benchmark doesn't take a lot of things into account that the game might.

IMO, I think it scores a little low anyway. I don't have a problem playing at 25-30 fps for one thing.

Here are their 'guidelines'
<style></style> [8000 and over] Extremely High Performance Easily capable of running the game on the highest settings.
[5500–7999] Very High Performance Easily capable of running the game. Should perform exceptionally well, even at higher resolutions.
[4500-5499] High Performance Easily capable of running the game. Should perform well, even at higher resolutions.
[3000-4499] Fairly High Performance Capable of running the game on default settings. Consider switching to a higher resolution depending on performance.
[2500-2999] Standard Performance Capable of running the game on default settings.
[2000-2499] Slightly Low Performance Capable of running the game, but may experience some slowdown. Adjust settings to improve performance.
[1500-1999] Low Performance Capable of running the game, but will experience considerable slowdown. Adjusting settings is unlikely to improve performance.
[Under 1500] Insufficient Performance Does not meet specifications for running the game.

Most high end PCs are barely hitting 5000. Most numbers I've seen above that were all overclocked to the point it would be detrimental to run the game or anything else for extended periods of time.
Launches 9/23 or 9/30 depending on whether or not you buy the CE.

PS3 version launching in March of 2011
Collectors Edition

* Collector's Edition Content includes the following
* Early Access code! (6 days prior to standard edition)
* FFXIV Game Disc, Behind the scenes DVD, Buddy Pass Insert
* "Right of Passage" voucher, In Game Item, Branded Security Token, and Travel Journal
* Delivered by mail-Personalized and numbered "Right of passage" document

Pictures and other stuff: