
ill be Bootstraps Bootstraps
Zeri... somethingorother. Mewrilah? (luto was pretty awesome)

Dumb thought just hit me. Assuming this game has marriage in it like FFXI... do character surnames change when you get hitched? >.>
Zeri... somethingorother. Mewrilah? (luto was pretty awesome)

Dumb thought just hit me. Assuming this game has marriage in it like FFXI... do character surnames change when you get hitched? >.>
I have seen nothing about getting hitched in the game yet. It might be possible I suppose.

Dave and I will start out with the same last name though. You know, as soon as we agree on one. lol
They do sell out on these CEs, though preorder only. I'd just preorder, and cancel if you realize you can't afford it. Most places aren't going to charge you until it ships.
My friend got invited. But his PC sucks lol. Meets all the requirements at about half of what is needed. Wont even run it. How's that for ya Aang? Lol.
I think what happened is that they just used those questions to gauge what people have and what people don't have. (Despite those not honestly answering the beta application.) After that, I think they just starting picking random account ID's. I don't expect there to be logic in the randomness of who they pick, that's the point of random. But, on the other hand, it's sad to see beta accounts being handed to people that fall in one of the following categories:

A) Can't run the beta. (PS3/PC, whatever.)
B) Can run the beta, but won't. (Not picking on anyone, just a global statement)
C) Can run the beta and just doesn't care about it. :S

Ok, so yeah.. :)

Much <3 /// Come on SE, dammit!
I honestly think I screwed myself by saying I played so many hours. I think they skipped over most full time players because they want them to keep playing 11.

Most people that I know that got picked have been people that quit. One of our friends got picked and won't be able to play, so we got his access but it would be a lot better if Eden or I got picked officially so we could both be on together. (otherwise, I won't get to play when she's home)
I think it was completely random lol.


If you have an ati card, there's known slowdown with those.. SE is aware of it.

I have an ati card. First time I've been sad about that :( lol.
yeah there's no real control configuration options unless you have a gamepad at this point.

On the plus side, the xbox 360 controller works great for this game (unlike FFXI).
1. run around aimlessly. 2. Dance for no reason. 3. Try to land lady friend. 4. Adopt a Pokemon (new feature). 5. Prepare to waste years of your life. 6. Rinse and repeat!
^.^ <---q
Fire away.


p.s. might have to talk to a npc after step 4.
so I played for like an hour and couldnt figure out what I was supposed to do so I got frustrated and gave up. Going to cool my head and try again later....how do I know which server im on?

lol. Same way as in FFXI, says which server in your chat log when you login.

and lol @ ara.