
lol, how about gilfinder names... vitt, intt, agii, actually i don't remember most of them now...

the history we had together...

back when aquarius dropped d cloth...
For those of you that have seen the Life in Eorzea video...

How do you pronouce Eorzea? "ooor ziii ah"?

Also, did you see how black that one galkan guy was?
wtf, from the trailer it looks exactly the same as 11....or is that some kind of april fools joke?

It does look similar, but they had a good thing going with 11 (which still looks AMAZING considering how old it is), so they improved on it. It could look better, but this is an MMO they want everyone to play, so they don't want it to be too demanding PC spec-wise.

I also like some of the updated character models - like the new tarus (yeah I'll still call them taru when this game is released, same with the other races)
No, it's not in Alpha yet. lol

It was supposed to start in March but may not start til April 6th

As far as it looking like XI... I suppose to varying degrees. All the races look the same with different stats and names. You can customize every detail of the characters down to shit like facial scarring or even bust size. lol

Jobs are totally different and change depending on the weapon you have equipped. Crafting is job based as well. No pet jobs so far and none planned that we know of.

Supposedly the UI is very fluid as well.

BG has a lot of info and pics that have been published in various magazines etc.
I think I've come to decide that I don't want to see much of this game until it's released. If i'm not in the beta test, then I'll abstain from looking at game info/video/screen shots so that when I actually play it for the first time I can get that "OH wow" feeling instead of "Oh yeah, saw this already..." etc. etc.
I keep going back and forth, myself. I want that feeling, too, but I'm so excited about it, I find myself mindlessly searching for info about it... FFXI was definitely an "Oh wow" feeling. As ridiculous as it sounds, my first 15 minutes of playing, I couldn't believe how huge and awesome Bastok was.
I remember trying to solo everything, even back then... but even moreso back then...

I'm really not good at making new friends, lol. Maybe that's why I could never really get into WoW (plus wrist issues involved with extensive keyboard/mouse use)
[Insert joke about masturbation here]


Lol, can't say I didn't see that one coming...

Such is the recurring joke at work..
I will be your friend. so +1 friend for you!
