
Wow, that's a huge difference for a same-system test, Aa. My laptop is getting around 750, even though the specs are higher than what SE published today (2.8ghz Cure 2 Duo compared to 2.0ghz, 8gb ram compared to 2gb, Radeon HD 4500 compared to 2900). And the alpha was perfectly playable.

Just got my new desktop from Dell, which I ordered mainly to take advantage of Adobe's CS5 suite, and I scored around 6100 on the benchmark. i7 960 3.2ghz, 12gb ram, Radeon HD 5870. Looking forward to the beta!
I got a 675 and my computer isnt too terrible.... I dont get it. Does this actually mean I wont be able to run the game? And if this is the case...how can a PS3 run it?

Got a 2.4ghz 4gb ram and a decent video card.
Wow, how did you manage such a low score? Lol. You have multiple cores?
I got a 675 and my computer isnt too terrible.... I dont get it. Does this actually mean I wont be able to run the game? And if this is the case...how can a PS3 run it?

Got a 2.4ghz 4gb ram and a decent video card.

Define decent video card.

PS3 and the PC are not equal platforms; you can't really compare them.

Post more detailed specs of your PC so we can see where your weak point is.

Was the 675 on high or low settings?

As Fiko said, if you have more than one video card; that will bring down your score as the default benchmark does not support SLI/Crossfire. (Yet.)
Notebooks have been getting destroyed on this benchmark. I just bought Eden a laptop with an i5 processor and a GTS 360M which is a low tier 1 card. I have a Core 2 Duo P8700 @2.53GHz with a 9800M GTS and we both barely hit 1900-2000. I'm intrigued to see how the beta does on them because honestly I don't think we'll have a good idea until then.

As far as the PS3, they're going to lock the resolution and optimize it as much as possible. It'll be interesting to see how well they pull it off.

I ran it again on low and got a 2132. I ran it on high too but the score was off the screen. lol

The video cards seem to be a big factor since SE actually has a faster system but a lower tier card.
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nvidia GeForce 8600M GT. The vid card used in all macbook pros... so not terrible.. And no, its not more than 1 video card. Also this was on low settings.
Gonna post a screen for ya

Yeah, I have the same video card in a laptop here and get about the same score. The 8600M GT is now dated compared to cards available now; I even have a hard time watching some HD material on the laptop with that card.

No one knows for sure what will and will not work until the game comes out in September.
good thing im not planning on playing, pretty sure the ole dell E1505 inspirion wouldnt do lol.... but i did get the upgraded vid card lol...

I understand how they want to make the ceiling very high for the game considering the PS2 problem with ffxi, but having the game not be able to run on decent computers seems to alienate the fan base somewhat. Just not good marketing principles.

But then again, it may be time for another PC for me anyway....
that was high

Not bad at all. :)

@Ashmus - before you do anything, just wait to see how things pan out. Nobody knows what the retail version will look like just yet. I'm upgrading anyway, but I'm waiting till the last possible minute.

Local Akihabara shops are pushing this FFXIV thing with the latest processors, GPU's and other top shelf hardware. (For the people upgrading or building new PC's) They were running the benchmarks on a number of custom built performance machines this past weekend. ATI is going to be on top unless NVIDIA can pull something out of their ass before game launch.

OTOH: I've never seen so many butt-hurt PS3 buyers about how they bought a PS3 *JUST FOR FFXIV* and now they'll be starting the game later than everyone else.
Lol seriously. I may get it for PS3 as well (getting s PS3 August 1st) but.. PC version wins. You can just plain do more with a PC. Aside from the higher capabilities of a high-end PC, just look at windower for FFXI. That's the kind of thing that I'm thinking about.

A 3rd party windower likely wont be needed, since it will most likely be a built-in feature, but certain plugins really enhanced my FFXI experience, to the point of me refusing to play without them.

Hopefully FFXIV won't need the kind of plugins that windower offers FFXI, but my point is that there are many more things that you can do with a PC that you just can't do on a game console, and it's hard to foresee what may or may not be done with the game.

Buying a PS3 JUST for FFXIV is just plain silly if you ask me. I'm buying one for certain exclusives, and the fact that I still don't have a blu-ray player. Buying a game console for any ONE game doesn't make any logical sense to me.. Because that makes for one expensive game! Lol.
Yeah also who cares if you start after everyone else. Game isn't going anywhere! Lol. And someone is always going to be ahead of you.

I don't get people sometimes.

They should look on the bright side - game is already established well enough, so easier to get help for missions and quests, since everyone isn't still figuring things out.
*pokes head out of the dust* >.> Hewwo folks...I didn;t realise the site was still around until I got a birthday email today...*blushes* I preorder the CE myself last week...Can;t wait to get my mitts on 14...And I am jealous supreme at those of you who got into the beta! *sad face* Anywho...Keep in mind this time around you gotta make a first and last name...and they have to be unique....so get your thinking caps on now...Hope my little lappy here can handle 14 well enough...should be just fine but the benchmark runs kinda choppy and I can;t rmember my score...but I only ran it on low..because I really don't like over 40% of the video being off screen when I have a widescreen laptop... -.- Luff you guys!
I would be Ara Fea. awesome.
