Chocobo Raising Notes

I think it wont show anything other than poor til its an adult, maybe all the work you put into the choco during the growing phase will just show up at the end when it turns into an adult, and probably wont be able to change or not change as much as when it was a chick.
Day 24, and my choco just changed from Poor strength all the way up to... Sub-standard. -.-;; Well, at least it's improved something finally. ^_^
Day 24, and my choco just changed from Poor strength all the way up to... Sub-standard. -.-;; Well, at least it's improved something finally. ^_^

I'm so jealous! Poor all the way here. (Added levels of choco attributes)

**After winning 3rd race in a row over 3 day period, received Happy Choco story.
=====Day 21======
1 loss 2 wins,
Substandard Endurance.
First package carry he did 100% no drops i got 200gil.
Personality: Very patient , ideal for carrying packages.

All signs point to it being a Rounsey.

Elviers sounds like a Courser.
Won my 3rd race also and received Story of a Happy Chocobo. I am in windurst. Now I have Youthful and Happy.

*sigh* 2/8 wins on the choco race :( Still need a 3rd win for the song....
Choco Whistle! Non San d'Orian READ now

I have not done this myself, Sassafras and Lynn have been telling me about this and will fill in information later:

At day 29 our chocobos become adults

You will get CS mentioning San d'Oria and/or choco whistle. They will tell you you need to go to San d'Oria for details.

At this point do NOT do any activities that take energy from your chocobo.

Go to San d'Oria and talk to the choco raising NPC there. (Hant~)

He will tell you need to find an item which your chocobo has hidden.

Now go to the town where you are raising your chocobo and do activities. (For San d'Orians this is much easier :p)

Trying to not give away too much .. but Sass got the item on a Regular walk ^^.
Hmm my attributes are still all poor... on Day 28 >.> No type of personality which makes it easy to care for... but it also gives me that my choco is very patient, but doesn't say anything about it bein' ideal for anything... Currently have it on a Vomp Carrot Diet, also won 5/7 races... My current care plan consists of carrying packages for 3 days, rest, then excercise in a group for 3days, rest... repeat... Actual carin' for the Choco, I'm doing the "walk em till they drop" thing... unless it's bored then I race em then I use the lil bit of health left over to keep Aff in parent mode.

Basically I'm tryin' to push str and end boost to substandard... hopefully it works
My white-tipped FeatheredNova grew up into a (rather ugly) yellow adult with orangey-rust-colored feathers on her head and wing tips. Used the quested egg.

I've been feeding her 3x San d'Orian carrots QD for quite some time (maybe that's why she's orange O.o), with Ghysal Greens mixed in when her affection gets low. I usually do a regular walk once a day to try to get my third choco story, then use the rest of her energy to read her "The Impatient Chocobo" with a few watch-overs to keep her affection at max. Care plan is a rotation of Children x2 days > Music x2 days > Exhibit x2 day > Music x2 days > etc in an attempt to build mental qualities. Will probably start her digging for treasure now that it's available.

She has no personality and substandard discernment. All others are poor.

Day 30
Finally saw some improvements to my choco on day 30, Endurance finally hit substandard after 1 day of Carrying Packages. I let it race for the first time as an Adult, and lost LOL... and it looked like by a lot too haha. Took it on a long walk to get back the affection I lost when it delivered packages. Did the normal feeding of vomp carrots in hopes str goes up as well.

Day 31
The choco on it's second day of delivery packages got an increase in str. It's now Substandard along with endurance. Yeah I'm jumping for joy lol. Finally my work is being realized. Took it on a long walk again to get affection back to parent mode. Told happy story in hopes to see an ability gain x3... nothing. Still on Vomp carrot diet, and has 1 more day of carryin' packages to go. To break up the care plan I'm gonna throw in 1 day of diggin', then back to buildin' str and end by letting it excersise in a group x4 days, 1 day of digging, then delivery messages.. rinse and repeat. This care plan is endurance and str heavy.. I hope to possibly see further upgrades in both those atributes.
That's my boi bleu!
Well for some reason my choco "doesn't seem to enjoy my presense at all" a lot lately. I guess I have been too nice to him and have to slave drive him like I used to. Only was able to reach "Substandard" in strength and nothing else. I wanted mine to be fast mainly, with maybe some endurance but we will see. It is only my first one anywho so I don't expect much.

Gallop & Auto-Regen

Is there any info yet on what (if anything) any of the abilities do? I have Gallop and Auto-Regen, but there are no new options when caring for or riding my choco. Will the abilities only be used for racing?

Auto Regen is passive. Canter & Gallop are for racing.

Burrow & Bore have shown to produce different items when digging, but are also passive I believe.