Kalia said:
They don't have to pay to go fight Byakko though, with the exception of Silent Oils (and I remember when the LS used to provide those for 1G each). Limbus is cheap, 50k is easily farmable, 2k assault points isn't.
With the economy nowadays farming anything isn't that easy. 2k AP takes X amount of time to acquire, it's not hard and costs nothing but some small amount of food.
Kalia said:
I don't either, but I'm being practical and not an idealist. Wait until people start getting their Salvage sets and watch how attendance dwindles partly because people are getting burnt out on Salvage after having done it alot, and partly because they dont' want to spend their AP anymore because there's other things to spend it on.
If people aren't attending at all after receiving an entire Salvage set then I would consider them selfish, because that's what they would be. Nobody is expected to spend every one of their AP on Salvage, if someone wants to attend 1 Salvage a week and then use other AP for items they want then they should feel free to. But I am saying that if someone has received a full set and then is completely bailing on Salvage that that is selfish of them. I think it is perfectly practical to expect LS members to *HELP* at LS events, nobody has ever been expected to attend every event 100% of the time, and I don't expect Salvage would be any different, but people should not have an excuse to be selfish or have their selfishness excused under rules that allow just that.
Kalia said:
2 hours makes it sound so easy, but it doesn't sound so easy anymore when you consider how long it takes to trio 6k assault points, which is closer to a week.
I wouldn't expect anyone being forced to attend more than 1 Salvage a week if that is all they wanted to attend, and that only requires a couple of hours of non-event time to earn enough AP for that. I don't see where the 6k AP trio farming comes into that equation at all. If people wanted to do more Salvage's, or if they wanted to earn a lot of AP for other items, then they will find the time to do it. 2k AP takes roughly 3 tags to acquire. If you use your tags daily you get 7 a week, I don't think many people use their tags up that fast, maybe a few in the LS are that hardcore with assault though.
So that would mean that if people expect to get a full Salvage set they would be roughly expected to spend about 2 hours a week and 3 of their weekly assault tags in order to get it?
That doesn't seem like it's asking an inordinate amount of someone, nor the expectation that they would keep investing that time to help others in the LS, beacuse after they have invested enough time in ensuring other people in the LS get their 1st sets completed they would then be able to start lotting items for their 2nd set.
So 2 hours a week and 3 Assault Tags & someone would have 1st tier lotting on one Salvage set & eventually be able to acquire the others if they kept attending? I don't see how that is at all an unfair expectation for an event that every single person in the LS benefits from immensely.
Kalia said:
Agreed (as already stated), but I think I've been around long enough to have a good idea about when something is plausible, or just wishful thinking. And this definitely seems like wishful thinking, just based on my own observations. What if it were gil instead of Assault Points? What if people had to pay 200k every time. Would the person still be expected to go?
But it's not 200k gil, it's 2k AP, which is an entirely different thing. You can argue that both take time to acquire, but 2k AP is something anyone in this LS can get with a couple hours of effort on a weekly basis. I disagree that it is wishful thinking, but my reasoning for that is up above.