Salvage and us

I like Fodder's idea a lot too.

The only question/concern I have is some form of job priority. It would be nice to see some sort of priority based on mains in terms of lotting. It would be kind of tough to see someone go after a set that they might not use as much because a job isn't their main over someone who might use it more often on their main.

I dunno, just my two cents. :D
That's the thing, this stuff is such a pain no one except Lyle is gonna sling gil into it for grins. They're gonna go after the pieces they really want to put to use.
Yeah I like ya idea Fodbot... other then wanting to jump in there and experience salvage, I have no concerns... oh.. if anybody could post a complete list of the different sets of armor that'd be nice =P
Yeah I like ya idea Fodbot... other then wanting to jump in there and experience salvage, I have no concerns... oh.. if anybody could post a complete list of the different sets of armor that'd be nice =P

ask and ye shall recieve:





Any chance we could do Salvage then Limbus rather than Limbus then Salvage.
Of the 2 Limbus is the only one on a more stringent time line, since the time we do it one night impacts the next time we can do it.
Hmm. Good point. I'd forgotten about that since I've been a slack ass when it comes to limbus lately.
I'm not a huge fan of Fodder's idea, but I do see its merits. I would like to see the choices of sets limited to main job, since thats what we have the main job system for in the first place. If we kept this idea in mind I think it would remedy a lot of the issues. Sure you can go for that second set, but you will be lotting the items as a secondary job. I guess I just don't understand how/why we have gotten so far away from the idea of main jobs, especially since the LS was built on this idea long before most of our current members joined.


I was also thinking that since assaults are pretty short for the most part...maybe we could combine assault and salvage into one. This would make the issue of AP moot. We could do salvage every 3 days since that would give everyone a chance to get 3 assault tickets to use. Then, on whatever day we decide to do salvage we could do 3 AP efficient assaults as a group (since they are instanced it would not take long to do 6 groups of 3 people for 3 assaults) giving everyone at least 2000 AP to use. Then we would do whatever salvage as a group. The biggest drawback I see is that this might end up being a 2-3 hour commitment every night we do salvage. Maybe too much for some people. Just a thought to consider.

I am personally really excited by salvage because I think it is a test of teamwork as opposed to most things in this game which are tests of numbers of people gathered and the gil they have to buy gear/items. I feel that Ultima is far and away the LS with the best teamwork and strategy on the server (as evidenced by last nights Khimaira raid ^.^) so I expect that we will excel in this event.

Another thing to think about is actual Assaults. Maybe we should do Salvage once a week for now, and that way people focus 3 or 4 of their Assault passes for one area in order to get 2k AP to enter Salvage, and that leaves the remaining passes for the week to be used to work on their Assaults sets, if that is something they want.

I know personally, I will tap out of AP after 2 or 3 Salvage runs, as I only have 2k+ AP in maybe 2 or 3 areas. But I'm not saving up for any particular armor, and more focused on leveling some jobs when I can, for now.
I like Ez's idea of doing LS-assault followed by LS-Salvage lol

I know we havn't tried it or anything yet but I think it would be wise to start a strategy on who-gets-what cells first to remove handicaps... so we have a plan beforehand? y'know?
1. treat it like dynamis. Put in your comment the items you want regarding 1 item your working on. Example, if you're working on <super special body piece 1>, you can lot the 3 items that you need for that particular piece. As long as you can equip it, main job should be a factor, just like dynamis.
2. schedule it once a week. If people want to do it more than once a week, gather some inititive yourselves and make a run to go.
3. It's salavage-dynamis. No lot priorities. Leave it up to the member to decide if he wants to be noble enough to sacrafice his win on an item, to pass it to someone who could complete their item.

In the end the majority of the linkshell has many, MANY jobs via 75. Therefore, lotting subject to "mains" only is ludacris. Ex, I'm main rdm, I go to everything as bard or whm, so if I wanted better gear for shell events i would probubly be inclind to get the brd/whm set pieces.

Some of the armor isn't that special. It's expensive. I might only want the whm body and legs, rdm feet and body, and a piece of chocolate cake on the side.

Be nice. If you've won enough for your entire set, be nice and maybe sit out a run. There are people out there who truely just have bad luck lotting, and are spiteful because of dynamis. Nothing like pissing off your fellow man (or women) just because for whatever reason YOU happen to lot 990+ every single time.

It's just a game really. Try having fun sometime and relax. :icecream: