oh hay Lexa

I'm fucking starving though, and those eggs benedict look so ultra tasty
I'll make y'all food if you ever find yourself in this neck of the woods. :) I love cooking~!
damnit damnit damnit.

those burritos and lasagna look really good -_-

lexa hax. she has +30 innate cooking skill since she's a woman....
Bumfuck, PA. A little bit North of Pittsburgh, right off I-80.


lexa hax. she has +30 innate cooking skill since she's a woman....

It's actually more that I've lived on my own for over six years now, and I got tired of McDonald's every single night after the first two... so it was either learn to cook, or die from a heart attack at the tender age of 19. D:
Bumfuck, PA. A little bit North of Pittsburgh, right off I-80.

I'll be driving right by there next week... driving to Chicago from CT... :P
When next week? 'Cause I'm going to New York. But if you wanna stop by one of the days I'm here, leave your order. :p It's the Autumn Leaf Festival, btw, which is the only attraction this town has got going for it, so it's a good excuse to stop by anyway. :p
lexa hax. she has +30 innate cooking skill since she's a woman....

But playing FFXI gives you a -40... trust me I know -_-. Lexa just set her HP at the supermarket and constantly pays for advanced cooking support. That and she merited it. 5 gil says she has a max combo.
Hey Soundwave! You dont think theres uh anyway I could get that quarter from underneath of your pointy boot do ya? All I wants just one more oatmeal pie.
Koul, let's go again. :3 It was exhausting, but I had a ton of fun cooking so much! I wanna go again!
Wait until i get my spices and cooking utensils here and then i'll join this iron chef thing. I think ehon was gonna kill me for my dinner last night.
Koul, let's go again. :3 It was exhausting, but I had a ton of fun cooking so much! I wanna go again!

I dono what to make =\

I only know how to make chicken crap lol.... lemme think.....

gimme a couple days. I'll come up with somethin