Lotting method proposal

I will cut your eyelids off.
Why are the changes being made to the AF/coin lotting? I haven't heard anyone complaining about it, but now we can't lot AF/coins half the time.

I agree AF/coin people shouldn't be building up point stashes to use for homam/nashira, but why couldn't it at least be neutral? No points gained or lost for the cycle where you're lotting AF/coins.
Varda said:
Why are the changes being made to the AF/coin lotting? I haven't heard anyone complaining about it, but now we can't lot AF/coins half the time.
I'm not changing anything yet, we're just throwing around ideas at this point.

Varda said:
I agree AF/coin people shouldn't be building up point stashes to use for homam/nashira, but why couldn't it at least be neutral? No points gained or lost for the cycle where you're lotting AF/coins.
There's two things I need to make sure happen with regards to coin/AF lotting:
1. People can't show up out of the blue to a high-coin run, make a killing lotting coins or get first dibs on a rare AF upgrade, then disappear forever (or until they decide to leech again).
2. I want people that are only able to pop in every once in a while to have an incentive to do so, even if they don't want Homam/Nashira.

Currently, you need to attend at least 30% worth of the previous cycle to lot coins/Af in the current cycle. I'm trying to transfer that idea over to a points system, which isn't easy.
As we've gotten a lot more interest in Limbus than we had in the past, and we now have many more people lotting gear than previously, I would like to bring this discussion back to the table.

To summarize: We're debating a point system versus the current attendance requirement. I need to keep an incentive for people that don't want gear to come (ie AF/coin priority). You can read about specific suggestions on your own through the last 5 pages. :P