Lotting method proposal

Yeah I'll have people read the thread.
I like the tweaked system Nekio posted. There's at least a bit of flexibility there which doesn't kill someone for missing one or two runs due to whatever.
8. In order to lot AF/coins on a run, the member must have at least 2 points saved. It will cost that member two points to lot AF/coins each run they choose to do so. This system will require at least 1 run per cycle where the coin/AF lotter chooses to not lot money in addition to not lotting money during boss fights, and prevents money lotters from saving points for gear.
This point needs serious reworking.

If you're trying to keep money lotters from saving up points to use for homam/nashira, then set the rules so they don't gain points on normal runs. Making them lose a point for attending a run is a horrible idea. Why would someone come to a Temenos run if they need an Apollyon item? It'll only reduce their odds of later getting homam/nashira.

I feel like I must really be missing something, because I can't believe the implications of the rule as it's written.
Making them lose a point for attending a run is a horrible idea. Why would someone come to a Temenos run if they need an Apollyon item? It'll only reduce their odds of later getting homam/nashira.

There are 3 things you can lot during a cycle. (A full cycle is omega and ultima) Homam, Nash, or AF/ABC. You won't lose points for attending. You only lose points if you win something. In AF/ABC you win it everytime if you aren't lotting nash or homam you can lot AF/ABC. If you are lotting lets say homam you can't lot AF/ABC during ultima chip farming runs. You have to wait till the cycle ends before you can change to AF/ABC.
You won't lose points for attending. You only lose points if you win something. In AF/ABC you win it everytime if you aren't lotting nash or homam you can lot AF/ABC.
So if you say you're lotting AF/ABC for a cycle, you "win it everytime" and "you only lose points if you win something." Therefore you lose points every time (except omega/ultima runs, where you lose 0).

Follow with "you won't lose points for attending" and you can see why I'm confused.
Lotting tiers would be:
Sojourn/Chiiana (17-22 points) > Rhine/Nekio/Heie (11-16 points) > Dworvos/Redd (9-4 points)

I am not sure the purpose of the tiers. Will Soj and Chii lot against each other for an item that drops? Or will Soj, being the one with highest points, simply lot an item uncontested?

If this is implemented, can the tier just be done away with? Simply have it that Soj lots his item then it's Chii's turn.
When is the earliest this would be implemented if accepted?
Varda said:
Follow with "you won't lose points for attending" and you can see why I'm confused.
So yeah, basically the way was thinking would be that coin/af lotters could choose which runs they wanted to lot coins/af on, assuming that they declared coins/af for that cycle. If they choose to lot coins/af that run, then they spend 2 points. However, they also earn 1 point for attending, so they have a net loss of 1 point. The reason I did it that way was:
1. I didn't want people who were lotting coins to accumulate points.
2. I didn't want af/coin lotters to only pop on for high-volume coin runs.

So, basically, the way it would work in a 7-run cycle (Omega > Temx2 > Temx2 >Temx2 > Ultima > Apolx2 > Apolx2), assuming the player already has some points:
+2 > -1 > -1 > -1 > +2 > -1 > -1 = -1 point net if the player comes to every run and chooses to lot coins at every run. If players lot coins at more zones than that, it'll cost them points. If they choose to let coins/af fall evenly for some runs, they'll store up points.

I'd prefer that it was a 0 point net gain, but it doesn't work mathematically. I don't exactly like the way I proposed, but I can't come up with anything better, so if someone can tweek it then go for it.

Redd said:
I am not sure the purpose of the tiers. Will Soj and Chii lot against each other for an item that drops? Or will Soj, being the one with highest points, simply lot an item uncontested?
The purpose of the tiers is to acknowledge that a few-run difference between the point leader and other members should not preclude them from lotting at the same priority as the leader. In my example, Soj and Chii would both lot against each other for the pieces they wanted, and if they pass or three pieces drop, it'd go to Rhine, Nekio and Heie to lot. Basically, it serves to avoid the "X has 51 points and Y has 50 points, so Y is boned" scenario and gives so flexibility to the system, a common complaint of Eticket's. ;)

Rektify said:
When is the earliest this would be implemented if accepted?
If I choose to make it official, I would do a full cycle, at least, before this went into full effect. The idea being that I would like for people to earn some points before they actually get a chance to spend them. Since we're in the middle of a cycle now, it would be at least two Ultimas away.
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I like the system. I've also been burned by point systems in the past

(3 months in a LS (before my previous LS) with point system, gained enough points to gain an item (gained nothing in 3 months of straight sky and sea), and LS broke, QQ Rek.)

But I feel that it is actually very fair. In my previous LS, we basically had "you have this job, can lot" priority sort of free-for-all lotting system, and it eventually became biased. (so and so is usually BLM, so they can lot that. oh. n.legs dropped. Chii is the only thf without? ok Chii + WARs lot. <- this is how I got my n.legs..lucky lot)

Eventually, that LS implemented the point system, where people bid their points on items they wanted. The system being proposed now is similar since you're basically bidding all-or-nothing on drops you want. I like it because everyone will be [eventually] rewarded for their time and effort, and it will most likely be reflected in our overall attendance if/when implemented. (oh, points..that means if I make a few runs a month..when I normally don't do limbus at all..hell, I can eventually get me some nashira pants)

It doesn't hurt anybody, even if we only get like 1-3 drops per boss, and I like the 5point tiers.

Edit: also, how many lotters did we have for homam..like...6? or something? that means that ..in 2 Omega...all of them might have a piece of homam, opposed to 1 person getting 2 pieces back to back, and 4 people getting nothing :P that's only of course if 3+3 drops, but I'm just adding this for some perspective.
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I had a long, well thought out post to put down about this, but I decided better to make the highlight of my post this: QQ, if I don't get Homamaz I might just quit the game. At the end of the day it's just a piece of information in a game. Sometimes I even surprise myself with how worked up I can get over it. In the end, who gives a damn? (besides Sojourn)

I like the system. I've also been burned by point systems in the past

(3 months in a LS (before my previous LS) with point system, gained enough points to gain an item (gained nothing in 3 months of straight sky and sea), and LS broke, QQ Rek.)

The irony is that the system you propose would benefit a 100%er like me more than most everyone else. I have a similar story Chiiana, Bladesofvalor (name like that or something) had a similar system and after months of hoarding points for a byakko haidate we disbanded. For months and months of work I picked up a shit-ton of utterly useless points and Earthen-Feet that I've left in my mog house to remind me of why I don't do stuff with points. I got pigeon-holed into taking them, and the leader even told me afterwards that I had to fork over some points "as per virtue of the fact that you obtained something when others obtained nothing." That reminds me of the ABC's honestly. I don't have hundreds of k's to dicker around with in the pursuit of getting an earring you all have already while I'm also at the same time trying to get gear so my other jobs will stop looking like shit by comparison. And yeah, I'm getting off topic, oh well.

More to the point... Yes, I QQ'd as it's put after that happened. Then I got over it and set some ground rules for myself. I'll be watching, yes, to see how it goes but I don't know if you can count on me personally to go yet. Set a system in stone and decide what you wanna do and I'll look at it.

You have to understand. Rek's first girlfriend was a points based lotting system. He got burned real bad. It was pretty messy.
you people are making this too fucking hard

that is all


I agree. Leave the system as it is. I am just going to win homams everytime then stop coming once I have the full set. :tounge-3:
You have to understand. Rek's first girlfriend was a points based lotting system. He got burned real bad. It was pretty messy.

I talked to Eticket about all the counseling I've gone through. Turns out she ended up cheating with points. We talked about what we would have to do to each other in the case this happened ...
I talked to Eticket about all the counseling I've gone through. Turns out she ended up cheating with points. We talked about what we would have to do to each other in the case this happened ...

Ouch. Dealing with cheaters is never fun. And with points oh boy.
Ouch. Dealing with cheaters is never fun. And with points oh boy.

Don't worry, she got what she deserved. I haven't found anyone else to share my jailhouse cot with yet though. (O.O)
Final decision: We do this next cycle as planned with the new 70% attendance rule. The following cycle we reassess how things are going and decide if a point system is in the best interest of the group. The cycle after that we would begin accumulating points and then the first boss after that cycle you could start spending them.

That's my way of hoping Soj finally wins something and stops bitching and people forget about this thread.

Though, tbh, a point system would be hella-easier for me to keep track of than the fucking rocket-science spreadsheet I got going now.