July. 24 Update info

Wow, reading this really makes me look foreward to the update even more; some of these things sound quite intriguing. The two new species of monsters look pretty rad.

Pup's getting a little love, which is at least a step in the right direction. Not sure if the new attachments will be of much use, considering they're sorta like Brd songs in which 75% of them are useless. AF is what really matters, whether or not it's even any good.
Puppetmasters are now capable of using the weapon skills "Howling Fist" and "Dragon Kick."
There's what did it for me though, thank you! The Pup-specific merits are pretty much what I expected them to be, nothing spectacular, but the maxing out the maton's skill levels could be quite the nice little boost on your favorite frame.

Some of those new spells/abilities sound completely awesome, even if in name only lol. >.> Very curious as to what Adventurer's Dirge is going to do, no lullaby II unfortunately though. Raptor Mazurka seems kinda pointless, even though it's most likely not as potent as its Chocobo counterpart; considering it's sorta like a "Brd perk" to be able to get that. But hey, now I can walk around town as a job other than Brd and still get the zoom zoom .

Can't wait!
Formless Blows sounds like a Berserk type ability to me. Kind of like what Fodder said. You start swinging like crazy (lose accuracy) but as a result your swings are more powerful (+attack). Hence formless.
I can see the shouts in LJ now...
(Randomimmaturetard){Matchmaking}{Stamina}{Do you need it?}{Receptivity}{Do you have it?}
(Stelololercopter) MY PLACE OR YOURS LOLOLO1L
OH god... mindflayer type squid men ._. I already know I'm gunna hate fighting those bastards and I really don't care about anything else in the game >_>; Just wanna know what those new abilities do
This dagger change makes me sad, but I hope we can get the pointy end of the dagger this time. >^_^< I'm thinking aura steal is more along random stealing HP when we hit. (hope not mp or i'll cry) Ambush seems like more ppl in the pt more dmg we might do? Heh mindflayers look like Davey Jones from pirates.
The more I think about the dagger change the more I see us getting a nice boost. I can see Mandau bumping to a D37, Batardeau to a D36, P. Harpe to a D35, and Blau Dolch to have a latent with D31.
Yeah, I was just talking to a friend the other day about how nins get higher dmg than us even. Just pathetic low delay higher dmg and can tank/voke and god gear. About time SE shows thiefies some real love :) + more dmg on sirocco will be nice.
btw when i read about feint definition i was thinking def down since it says directs attention from defence.
I think feint will be we play dead until the mob walks away so we dont die to stupid parties :D and/or live more in dynamis pulling
jinxy said:
btw when i read about feint definition i was thinking def down since it says direction attention from defence.

Jinxy dear... the adults are having a conversation now! Why don'tcha go back in your room and play with your barbie dolls? Yeeaah.. that's a good girl ^_^

just-kidding :X
Koul said:
OH god... mindflayer type squid men ._. I already know I'm gunna hate fighting those bastards

Yeah they're gonna be a bitch to fight probably, bet they'll have some pretty rad moves though.

And yes, was hoping there weren't gonna be any awesome merits I was interested in, hate meritting, but now I'm gonna have to give in and merit. ><;;
Bard songs:

Dirge- A dirge is a somber song expressing mourning or grief, such as would be appropriate for performance at a funeral.

... I can't think of anything that this would do, probably just a retarded status resist song

Sirvente- A form of lyric verse of the Provençal troubadours satirizing political figures, personal rivals, or social morals.

again I dono what it could be lol... tryin to not get my hopes up
If SE was smart they would be letting us update already so when servers are up it'll be that many less raping the servers.
Dirge- A dirge is a somber song expressing mourning or grief, such as would be appropriate for performance at a funeral.

... I can't think of anything that this would do, probably just a retarded status resist song
resist death? lol
The following monster names have changed
Lamia No.19 --> Lamia No.18
May I be the first to say that I am glad SE finally caved in and listened to the avalanche of requests they've gotten on this issue. ^_~

White mage stuff: Protectra and Shellra V look like no-brainers. I hope they add single target versions too. ^_^;; We'll have to see what the other abilities do.

I think every dynamis attendee will breathe a sigh of relief at the "raise 1 now restores 50% of the lost exp" change. It may hurt whms' chances of exp parties slightly, but I think it's a good change.

I think we'll see a bunch of /brd in town, speeding along. ^_^

I'm really interested in the new assaults and the NM battlefields. The battlefields are going to be amazingly popular if there are any good rewards in there at all.

The merits for the new jobs look interesting, but I'm a little disappointed on the pup side. I'm not sure what else would be useful, but the other job merits seem more useful. I do hope the pup attachments are nice, and while I'm not expecting wonders from AF for any of the new jobs, I hope they're fairly good too.

The new rdm merits look really useful. I saw a lot of excitement on the rdm forum I glanced at.

New smn BPs... I hope they're interesting. If they're magical based as people expect, I think people might start switching around their physical/magical merits in the first category.
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Well that and dont forget we get our secondary merits for the 3 new jobs later on Varda >^_^< so all jobs initial merits arent much but secondary are seeming nicer
The monster Ullikummi found in the Shrine of Ru'Avitau will now have different conditions for appearing.

Thank god.. Now maybe i'll be able to get some haidate without having to compete against 5 billion RMT for the pop items

Puppetmasters are now capable of using the weapon skills "Howling Fist" and "Dragon Kick."

Sylphiel's SC usefulness skill rises 100.0! (j/k) =p

Game Terms "Bore"

I see this becoming the new "Yawn" >_>

Overall the changes look really good. Can't wait to see the various new job skill/ability descriptions. And the new Bloodpacts/Tier 2 AM... WOW!
Dirge - maybe Hymnus 2?
Feint - if that's the same as the EQ feign death that would be awesome. Archain would like it. Sac pull, feint, train resets, no exp lost