Fall TV Season

Watched The Office tonight, good start. Left hanging at the end, interesting twists...

Watch House #2, The girl from the YouTube series "The Guild" was the guest star (patient)... kinda neat to see her in something different.

That's all I have had time to download and watch...
The Eleventh hour premieres next week I think, it's a new show on cbs. It's a show replacing one of the ones that got yanked. (like my beloved Shark ='()
Idk what to tell ya tho besides givin that a try. I watch House, NCIS mostly mixed with lots of the usual csi's-criminal minds... EXCEPT that ridiculous show csi miami. I also like 24 A LOT but I wait for the season to come out on DVD cuz I would die waiting a week between episodes in that show.
Watched The Office tonight, good start. Left hanging at the end, interesting twists...

Watch House #2, The girl from the YouTube series "The Guild" was the guest star (patient)... kinda neat to see her in something different.

That's all I have had time to download and watch...

Felicia Day. She's cute.

Also, she was Penny in Dr. Horrible.

That alone qualifies as pure win.
Is this show good? I always kinda wanted to watch it but I feared it would be really mediocre. Maybe I'll go download it or something.

I dunno, I kinda hesitate recommending it highly to people, but I've enjoyed watching it. It's an interesting premise and has some good comic moments. There's some overarching plot being worked on too. I'm the only one in my office who follows it, but it's one of three regular TV shows I still record and watch (and I'm probably going to drop the 3rd :P).

I just wish they hadn't cancelled Journeyman. I thought that was the best of last year's new series, but they killed it off. ;_;
OHAY necrobump. Just to say I finally got around to downloading Chuck.

I felt I owed it to Adam Baldwin, as a self-respecting Firefly fan, to check out his new show - plus, the synopsis made it sound interesting. So I downloaded the first season, and sat down just to watch the pilot. And then I just didn't stop. o.o;; And I kept going, right up through the most recent episode. In case you're wondering, it took me the better part of two and a half days, with strategic breaks for classes and other RL stuff.

I <3 ppl for recommending this show in this thread!
Interesting > Lexa. I will have to look into that...

I'm so far behind on TV shows... I've been very cautious to not read any threads about TV shows, trying not to spoil the episodes I have not seen yet. Working 12-15 hour days really puts a damper on the TV schedule.
The only thing I now of Australian television is that the soap operas had nudity.

Tell us more about that.

Details too, please.

Aussie Soaps don't hold back.

Last one i watched but didn't get to finish watching was called "Underbelly" based on a true story of mob in Victoria who where only sentenced this year.