Casual Coil Static

Whew. Camp week 1 done. Coil Tuesday was very fun, but on Thursday all the time at camp did me in and I was asleep. More camp next week, I'll be in the woods with Zero electronics access until Wednesday. After that, I should be available regularly on our Tues/Thurs schedule.
have fun SASS!
Hey everyone,

I made a spreadsheet that shows the list of drops from coils and has a space so you can mark off the drops you got making it easy to see what drops where and what drops you would still want from a run. This is on T1-5.

Next to the drop there is a R or a L. This means which chest the drop can drop from. If its R it drops from the right chest and of course L is left chest.


This static is still looking for two more members. We mainly need DPS for the remaining two spots. Contact me ingame, or on the forums if you are interested in joining.
Since we were talking about it last run I thought I would give a run down on how T4 goes. Out of the turns we have done it is by far the fastest. To win you need two good tanks (the tanks don't have to be amazing, just good enough to hold hate and take a few big hits) which we have covered. There is also a DPS check. In T4 you get waves of mobs. Once a wave of mobs is killed you get another wave of mobs. If you do not kill the wave you have fast enough the next wave will spawn while you are fighting the previous wave. So if everything isn't being killed fast enough you can get overwhelmed with enemies. The room is just one small room.

Enemies: Clockwork bug: These are easy little enemies. These are typically rounded up and AOE downed.
Clockwork knight and Clockwork soldier: These two enemies also pop in pairs with each other. Not to much to say about them except except that the soldier spawns with Stoneskin.
Spinner Rook: These are small enemies kinda like the clockwork bugs. However the spinner rooks can do an aoe move that does about 2k dmg to anyone who is hit by it. So you typically want to burn them down fast.
Clockwork Dreadnought: This is the boss so to speak. It is a really big enemy that does hit like a truck. His attacks are frontal AOEs so unless you are the tank you want to be to its back. The other thing about Dreadnought is that he eats Clockwork bugs. When he eats them he gets health back. He will only eat the bugs if they get close to him. When he is going to eat them you will see a line going from the dreadnought to the bugs. It takes him about 3 seconds to eat a bug.

Phase 1: 6 clockwork bugs spawn. These are typically gathered up and AOEd down.
Phase 2: Two sets of knight and soldier will pop. One set will pop on the north side of the room the other set will pop on the west side. The main tank will want to go and get the set on the west and the off tank will want to get the set on the north side. DDs should be burning down the main tanks mobs first so the main tank can be ready for the next wave.
Phase 3: Dreadnought and some bugs. I can't remember if it is 4 or 6 bugs. The dreadnought will pop on the west side in the same spot where the knight and soldier popped from phase 2. The main tank will want to grab the dreadnought and anyone who has hate on the bugs will want to bring them to the dreadnought. Since the dreadnought is at 100% you want to feed the bugs to it so you don't even have to fight them. Since the dreadnought should be almost full health feeding it the bugs makes the room clear so we can burn down the dreadnought.
Phase 4: 4 bugs and 2 spinner rooks will spawn. These are gathered up and AOEd down like the first phase.
Phase 5: Dreadnought and 1 set of knight and soldier. The dreadnought will spawn on the north side of the room so the main tank will want to go and grab that. The other mobs will spawn around the room. The off tank will grab the other mobs and the DDs should burn down the other mobs before taking out the dreadnought.
Final phase: A dreadnought will spawn along with 1 set of knight and soldier and 4 bugs and 1 spinner rook.
This can be dangerous if the dreadnought from phase 5 is not killed before or soon after the final phase starts. Having two dreadnoughts can be really rough on the main tank. So need to be careful that the dreadnought from phase 5, if it is still up doesn't eat the bugs. I have been with groups where the dreadnought from phase 5 goes from 5% to 50% HP. The off tank should try and round up as many enemies as they can and keep it away from the main tank. If the off tank needs to hold some bugs then that is fine. Want to try and keep them away from the boss so it doesn't get HP back. A melee DPS should LB the spinner rook so it doesn't have a chance to AOE anyone. Once all the mobs are down then it is a win.

I believe this is all accurate. It is from memory so if anyone has done the fight and knows something should be corrected then let me know. As long as the DPS isn't slow it is by far the easiest and fastest of the Turns we have done so far.
I should be able to make it tonight. Pending any power outages. Severe thunderstorms until 10pm edt.
I promised a friend I would work on his computer. Wanted to start working on it earlier however that didn't work out for either of us. Working on it now but sometimes these things end up being time consuming. Hoping to be back in time for coils. Feel free to start without me if I am not back in time.
Since Tuesday there is a ton of new content coming out. I think we should cancel our coil static run on Tuesday so we can check out all the new things that are coming out. We will of course run on Thursday. If anyone has any objections to this then post something.

I am excited to check out all the new content.
Same here. I'm fine with it.
Does turn 3 have to be completed? I've been looking and no data. Read it's good for spirit bonding gear too. I'd like to do one run, just to say I've done it, but happy with focusing on Turn 4, 2, 1

I have some reading to do on Turn 5 since it's holding my pants captive :)
Someone in ls said the other day you only need turn 5 completed to unlock second coil
Also 3 is only trash mobs, there's nothing to it really. I guess they threw in filler or something..
We sure do. Need dps and you're more than welcome!
We would be happy to have you Talune. The static runs every Tuesday and Thursday at 9pm est. Hope to see you there tomorrow night!
Does turn 3 have to be completed? I've been looking and no data. Read it's good for spirit bonding gear too. I'd like to do one run, just to say I've done it, but happy with focusing on Turn 4, 2, 1

I have some reading to do on Turn 5 since it's holding my pants captive :)

I would like to a turn 3 at some point also. For completion sake as well. However since it sounds easy and no real reward for it. We should focus on getting gear for everyone. Once the static is starting to wrap up doing Bind coil and move onto the 2nd coil then I say we take our crack at turn 3.

Also about Turn 5. I know nothing about it. Have yet to do it or even seen a video about it. So if anyone has any advise or anything they want to inform the group about Turn 5 then let us know. Sometime in the near future I will start researching this. At least for the next couple of weeks, especially with new members joining the static, I think we should stick to 1, 2, and 4 for now. Soon enough we will start knocking out Turn 5's ^.^
I would like to a turn 3 at some point also. For completion sake as well. However since it sounds easy and no real reward for it. We should focus on getting gear for everyone. Once the static is starting to wrap up doing Bind coil and move onto the 2nd coil then I say we take our crack at turn 3.

Also about Turn 5. I know nothing about it. Have yet to do it or even seen a video about it. So if anyone has any advise or anything they want to inform the group about Turn 5 then let us know. Sometime in the near future I will start researching this. At least for the next couple of weeks, especially with new members joining the static, I think we should stick to 1, 2, and 4 for now. Soon enough we will start knocking out Turn 5's ^.^
I've seen a video of turn 5. Sounds pretty hectic but I think we can do it once everyone is able you enter.
Turn 5 is still the turning point for raiding in FFXIV, much like Titan Extreme. I can tell you that it is no where near as hectic as Titan EX. There are little things that you must do to survive, and even then they are very simple and should be common sense. Where I've usually seen attempts fall apart is during dive bombs. So let me see if I can oversimplify the mechanics of these last two phases:

Dive Bombs - you only need to move about two or three steps up the slope after the target icon appears. ONLY move if you see someone on top of you with the green icon. If you don't see it in your little huddle, then don't move.

Snakes - Some people kill the two small snakes before the second set of divebombs, some don't. I don't know what the difference is, but don't worry about it until after the second set of dive bombs. Then bring'em all to the middle, blm/smn LB2/3, and kill them off. Then main tank then goes in one neurolink circle thing by himself, everyone else in the other. Twintania does some exploding thing.
--------------------------------------- Last Phase
Twisters - If you have Twintania /focustarget (and you should), just keep an eye peeled for twister casting and move a few steps away from where you were standing. I like to just run in a circle or a line towards the edge of the arena.

Dreadknight - he pops in the middle of the arena during this last phase and one person gets targeted and stunned. The tanks will be tanking in the middle during this twister/knight phase, so naturally you should all be spread out around the perimeter so DPS has enough time and room to avoid twisters when they're cast and kill the dreadknight before it reaches its target. I save cooldowns for dreadknights.
I may not be able to make it to coil tonight. Running on an hour of sleep. Bat in my room tonight kept me up all night (never found him after he hid). I'll see how I feel later but pretty sure I'll want to be asleep by coil time tonight.