7 March 2007 Update - Download now!

So, had to Dj tonight and figured I would leave the download going. Get home four hours later and it stopped short. So now I've got 1464 files remaining...
going on 12 now, just gonna go pass out with comp on ;x
I have the full update and I'm making an archive of the files now for gimp people. I will post when it's done and ready.
Mine timed out when I went to bed, but when I restarted it this morning it only had 20 files it hadn't downloaded, so hopefully it'll be done before I come home for lunch & I can hop on.
Those still stuck can download this pack:

(Right-click save as) (.RAR) 117 MB [Ready for Download]

(Right-click save as) (.ZIP) 141 MB [Ready for Download]

Just paste the contents into your C:\Program Files\PlayOnline\SquareEnix\FINAL FANTASY XI folder.

This file is virus/trojan free. Most all of you should know my reputation for providing such things as this.

After you paste these files in, just run your POL update and it may update or download 5 or less files.... That's what it did on my spare PC's when I tested it.


EDIT: How I collected these files: I imaged the data before and after the update from SE. I did a compare and then archived any/all files that did not exist in or match the imaged data prior to the update. After verifying folders and file counts, I archived it and uploaded it as you see it.
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Those still stuck can download this pack:

(Right-click save as) (.RAR) 117 MB [Ready for Download]

(Right-click save as) (.ZIP) 141 MB [Uploading to server now]

Just paste the contents into your C:\Program Files\PlayOnline\SquareEnix\FINAL FANTASY XI folder.

This file is virus/trojan free. Most all of you should know my reputation for providing such things as this.

After you paste these files in, just run your POL update and it may update or download 5 or less files.... That's what it did on my spare PC's when I tested it.


Forget that, I'd rather spend 20 hours downloading it!
.RAR and .ZIP now both ready for download.

I highly advise that if you don't know what you are doing, don't do this. Although it's simple paste over existing folders, people I know could easily unzip this into the wrong place.

I say:

1. Download 1 of these packs.
2. Unzip the data into a new, seperate folder.
3. Then copy the contents into the ../FINAL FANTASY XI folder.
4. It will ask if you want to replace existing folders, click yes.
5. The paste operation will add new files and replace your old ones, leaving old data intact with changing unchanged data or personal user settings.
