I'll check into FioS. Not sure if it's in my area or not. What really pisses me off is I had all day off today, woke up at like 9 and wanted to spend the damn day playing FFXI. And what do I get, disconnected for going on 3 hours now.
They did all the hardwiring for FIOs in my apartment complex over a month ago. The service isn't available yet though. :/
Guess those quests will have to wait till later! I kid, I kid.

Had the same shit happen to me before, just had to wait for them to fix their shit sadly.
Yeah I'm set to change over as soon as it becomes available. My service through Comcast has gone to shit over the last six months or so. We're DC'ing or R0'ing in FFXI pretty regularly now despite them 'fixing' the issues.
My FFXI has been much choppier recently and additionally my roommate gets a ton of lag playing 360 live.

I checked on Verizon's website and Fios is available in our area.
Verizon used to be terrible(at least in my area - for instance, they only offer 768k here now..), but i heard they've gotten better.
Yeah, Basiclly comcast keeps getting worse while verizon keeps getting better. Years ago it use to be the other way around.

Comcasts customer services sucks so bad now. They use to be great. Now they are just dumb fucks

As soon as Qwest rolls out their 20Mbit fiber optic I'm getting that. Although Cox cable is quite awesome in my area, so I will have the choice of two damn good providers.

As soon as Qwest rolls out their 20Mbit fiber optic I'm getting that. Although Cox cable is quite awesome in my area, so I will have the choice of two damn good providers.

i know.

Just how long did it take you to figure all of that out?

I mean, how long did you sit there thinking about COX?!
Cox never leave my mind. Plural.

I was about to leave for class and I decided to check my college email, and my prof sent an email out about 10 minutes before that saying class was canceled, so i'm just sitting here tired as shit waiting for my next class. So, forgive the antics!