The new Superman costume...

I hear you. I go back and re-watch movies that terrified my as a kid, like Dreamscape, The Gate, Monster Squad... and they're now teh suck, even 80s effects aside.
Shin the Alien(s) series is interesting, cause each of the 4 can be characterized by the style of the 4 different directors rather then compared to each other. The movies have little contrast to each other cause of the each of the signature styles of the great director of each.

Alien (Ridley Scott, Blackhawk Down) - Psychological Thriller

Aliens (James Cameron, Terminator) - Shoot'em up Action

Alien 3 (David Fincher, Se7en) - Film Noir

Alien Resurrection (Jean Pierre-Jeunet, City of Lost Children) Grotesque/Bizarre (Foreign I guess lol)

Neodevilbane said:
I hear you. I go back and re-watch movies that terrified my as a kid, like Dreamscape, The Gate, Monster Squad... and they're now teh suck, even 80s effects aside.

The Gate - Stephen Dorff (very Pre-Blade), Kick ass

Monster Squad - "Wolfman's got Nards!!"

Nuff said....

Yeah, I've always been fascinated by the different takes on the Alien series (in retrospect) by each of the said directors, right up to Paul W.S. (Worthless Shit) Anderson's AVP. Still so much fuel left in the Alien series... but probably the most realistic sequel we could expect at this point is an AVP 2, maybe directed by Uwe Bowe or whatever. You might note, though, that David Fincher completely disowns Alien 3 to this day (evidently worse than David Lynch does Dune, who's recently agreed to do a special edition DVD). Fincher even refused the offer to go back and "Fix" things for the expanded version on the Alien Quadrilogy DVD set. I suspect there was a lot of politics with what the studio wanted to do, and from the special features/interviews on Alien 3, it sounds like Sigourney Weaver was given authority to change/alter whatever she wanted about the shooting script as they filmed.

Hope we get a Predator 3 someday. We almost got "PREDATORS" in the late 90s from Robert Rodriguez (he did a treatment that was never filmed). The original, with Arnold, is the absolute embodiment of what a hardcore, refined, well-oiled action movie machine should be. I can watch that movie over and over again and still enjoy it. Ah well, too bad Danny Glover and his "I'm too old for this shit" buried the franchise.

The Gate didn't hold up well for me the other day. I don't know... it's cool how things just keep getting worse and worse and worse until a 100 foot Devil bursts through the living room floor. I guess, though, if I were a kid today, it's the kind of movie I'd like to see coming out, not Harry Potter imitations.

Incidentally, I also watched The Gate II the same day. It held up much better, and had a much more grown up feel as the nerdy kid from the first one grew up a bit. Kind of a freaky movie.
Neodevilbane said:
The original, with Arnold, is the absolute embodiment of what a hardcore, refined, well-oiled action movie machine should be. I can watch that movie over and over again and still enjoy it. Ah well, too bad Danny Glover and his "I'm too old for this shit" buried the franchise.

Could not agree with you more, Predator is quite possibly the finest action movie ever. McTiernan sure knew how to make movies back then. (wtf was he thinkin with the Rollerball remake :bouncegra ).

Darwen said:
Shin the Alien(s) series is interesting, cause each of the 4 can be characterized by the style of the 4 different directors rather then compared to each other. The movies have little contrast to each other cause of the each of the signature styles of the great director of each.

Alien (Ridley Scott, Blackhawk Down) - Psychological Thriller

Aliens (James Cameron, Terminator) - Shoot'em up Action

Alien 3 (David Fincher, Se7en) - Film Noir

Alien Resurrection (Jean Pierre-Jeunet, City of Lost Children) Grotesque/Bizarre (Foreign I guess lol)


Heh, I never paid much attention to the directors of the last two. ^^;;

Interesting thing to note though. Especially since Alien 3 was Finchers first big movie. Heh, and City of Lost Children is Jean's only other well known (to me at least) american release.

Say what you will of Anderson (I still like Event Horizon and Resident Evil is probably one of the best video game movies), but he will always always always be 800 times better then Uwe Boll. My friend got me to *fast forward* through the first half of House of the Dead stopping to watch the boobs and gore parts. I still felt like I've never seen a more shity movie, and I've seen Leprechaun 4: In Space. I'm not going to watch any of Blood Rayne even if she's naked in 2/3ds of the movie.

The sad thing is I've heard his early German movies aren't half bad.
Say what you will of Anderson (I still like Event Horizon and Resident Evil is probably one of the best video game movies),

Super Mario Brothers: The Movie > ALL

-Toad as a homeless bum with a guitar
-Yoshi as a ankle height toothed monster
-Goombas as 8 foot tall fungus covered creeps with less brains then a pack of hippies
-Dennis Hopper as King Koopa! I believe this was a step up from his last bad guy role as the one eyed smoker in Water World.

Least the got Bob-ombs right. :D

Oh yea to not derail Thread: the new Superman looks gayer then Peter Gryphon at a Drug Rehab!
Resident Evil and Resident Evil: Apocalypse are more video-gamey than the video games themselves, which at least have healthy doses of Japanese bio-horror imbued and some actual (gasp) story. If you scraped a lot of the everybody-prancing-around-looking-cool crap out of the original Resident Evil movie, it'd be halfway decent ... might almost be watchable if they didn't associate it with the games.

Apocalypse is unwatchable. Absolutely unwatchable. Everytime you a zombie(s) comes out, the screen does some kind of weird MTV-esque shaky thing, and the screen gets blurry so you can't even see the zombies. Action scenes are also MTV quick-cut ... can't tell what's going on. Is this what passes for action movies in 2005? And the gore and action itself is so toned down it's like (and this applies to the original, too) they forgot they were filming an R-rated movie.

Sad, sad movies. It's pretty clear by now to most people that "Paul Anderson" is just a filter for studios and their focus groups to make their movies through, a scapegoat possessing no singular vision of his own.

But Event Horizon (or Hellraiser In Space) and maybe even Soldier... both halfway decent flicks, agreed. And as far as video games into film goes, his Mortal Kombat (only the first) makes the short list of it being well done.

- Andrew
And about Superman, there's a lot of concern about the movie being "gayed up" and even having a gay agenda for the movie by its out gay director, Brian Singer. Most of his cast in the past has been gay or closeted gays. Rumor has it when the time is right and the movie is a success, Singer is going to come out and announce Brandon Routh is gay in real life -- and tell us all how he tricked us into liking a gay Superman on the big screen or something.

I hope not.
Deretic said:
Super Mario Brothers: The Movie > ALL

-Toad as a homeless bum with a guitar
-Yoshi as a ankle height toothed monster
-Goombas as 8 foot tall fungus covered creeps with less brains then a pack of hippies
-Dennis Hopper as King Koopa! I believe this was a step up from his last bad guy role as the one eyed smoker in Water World.

Least the got Bob-ombs right. :D

Ha that makes two people I know who actually like that movie, let alone think it's the best videogame movie, the other is a RL friend. Unless you're kidding, but in that case then you're about 15 posts too late to stop the thread from being derailed. Besides it's LS only... and people don't use this board enough anyway. ;P

Oh, and I definitely meant RE1 and I personally liked how it tied in with the games... it explained where the zombies came from in the mansion and what went wrong... one of the reasons I thought it was the best videogame movied, cause it actually related to the videogames.

Oh, and I take it you didn't like Saw if you don't like the whole MTV action scene thing... I seriously doubt anyone figured out who the killer was in the end of that though...

Oh, and I found this out:

From: Today I´ve read about Lion Rock´s plans about Masters of the Universe, too. John Woo is announced to produce/direct the new version of "one of the most successful 80´s action-figures".
Together with Terence Chang and a new script from Adam Rifkin, he should resuscitate the "The Power of Grayskull´s sword" for FOX 2000, which optioned the Mattel rights.

I hate to say it, but I kinda want to see that... just to see how the hell John Woo does He-Man.
Play Resident Evil Zero for Gamecube -- that explains where the zombies came from, and it directly conflicts with the movie. Contrary to popular belief in the movie duology, in the actual series the R.E. universe doesn't revolve around the wife of Paul W.S. Anderson, Milla "ALICE" Jovovich. In fact, she doesn't exist.

Haven't seen Saw yet, but hear it's OK. Good to see Cary Elwes still getting work. I'll see anything with him in it... Princess Bride is immortal.

Plenty of newer horror movies that're halfway decent. I liked Wrong Turn with Eliza Dushku, loved the remake of Texas Chainsaw (freaky! satisfying amount of gore, etc.).
Ive seen Saw. It has its moments, but the whole time I couldnt shake the feeling that dude the dude who made it probably jerks off to Seven and thinks House of a 1000 Dead Corpses is a cool movie. It smells of straight out of filmschool, 1st time director. Imo Danny Glover was the jewel of that movie, so over the top lol. As for Texas Chainsaw Remake (Im a HUGE fan of the original) I really liked what they did with thge movie itself. However they did an awful job with the casting. Honestly, they could have found some actors that gave a little more effort at trying to capture a period piece or why not just base it in modern times -_-;.

House of 1000 Corpses was watchable, even though I don't get it. Some great sequences here and there abouts... but nothing really to string it all together as a cohesive movie. Rob Zombie could have done a lot worse his first time out.

The Devil's Rejects (House of 1000 Corpses 2) looks pretty solid. Preview's already out there.

And it looks like the preview for Land of the Dead, the 4th zombie movie from the guy who basically invented zombie movies (director of Night of the Living Dead, Dawn of the Dead, and Day of the Dead, whose last entry in the series was like 20 years ago), is also up here :
Sweet jesus I've been waiting for a trailer for a long time now... and I gotta say I'm...

Disapointed. :abso-not:

Of course, they probably can't show any of the good stuff in a preview for all audiences...

It looks too slick imo, hopefully that's just cause the studios are idiots and think that's all horror fans want. As long as George piles on the red stuff though it'll at least be watchable I guess.
Hopefully I'm wrong though and it'll recapture the spirit of his early work.

Oh, and I know Alice isn't a real character in the games, but at the time when the movie came out RE: Zero didn't exist and nothing they did conflicted with what was known about RE's storyline. I admitt too that I haven't played RE: Zero not a huge survivaly horror fan, haven't even played RE: 4 which does look pretty awesome. Of course, Apocolypse messed all that up, which is one of the reasons I didn't like it.

Oh and my thoughts exactly about Cary Elwes, it is kinda odd watching him in Saw, because he is *so* different then his Princess Bride and Robin Hood: Men in Tights shtick.

Oh, and they didn't set the TCM remake in the present because it's a lot more difficult to believe a group of teens wouldn't have cell-phones. I hate the whole, "no service here" thing bad horror movies do with cell-phones.

I didn't mind the cast and the fact that their cloths were hardly 70s style, mostly cause Biel was *insanely* hot in that movie.
Don't worry about the trailer for Land of the Dead... it was likely cut together with little or no input from Romero.

RE4 is great, and seems to steer clear of the stuff of the previous games. It's in Europe, and no zombies. Kind of how Capcom shot back against the first Paul Anderson movie with "Resident Evil Zero" to completely invalidate its events and render the movie irrelevant, RE4 steers the franchise away from zombies and such altogether (keeping as much distance between the game series and "Apocalypse" can only be a good thing, IMHO).

Not a big survival horror fan at all myself. I greatly enjoy the Resident Evil game storyline and atmosphere, though. I'm the kind of survival horror player that needs to print out a big walkthrough and do everything step by step or I end up with no more ammo or health stuff to finish out whatever I'm doing.

Masters of the Universe (looking at earlier post)... that's old news, but I wouldn't put too much stock in it. John Woo is notorious for making headlines about "I'm gonna do this movie!" and "Ooh! Ooh! I'm gonna do that movie!" and nothing ever gets made. Previous to his He-Man announcement, he announced he was doing a CGI remake of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and that never happened. Well, it's happening now, but he has nothing to do with it.

Casting in the Texas Chainsaw remake seemed spot on to me. Can't argue with Biel and ... man ... if you can go wrong with R. Lee Ermey, I don't know who you can go right with.


"I didn't know they stacked shit that high!"

"Hell, I like you -- you can come over to my house and fuck my sister!"
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I dunno Neo, there was something about Franklyn that cannot be duplicated...However Ermey was good your right about that, but it wasnt him I had a prob with, just the group of youngsters.

The movie that scarred me the most when I was young was either The Burbs or Summer school (the part where Dean cameron* and his buddy put on that tribute to chainsaw massacre)

Looking back on these movies, they are probably of the greatest ever made.

*- Dean Cameron is the esteemed actor of such other academy quality movies as: Rockula, Ski School, Miracle Beach, Ski School 2
Chainsaws buddy was named Dave and he was a pimp. The Italian exchange student they were going after played Alotta Fagina in Austin Powers. Also was Dream Beach the one with Amy Dolenz as the Genie? For those who are into movies and need to remember something the best database on the net imo is -> {}

I wind up going to the IMDB almost daily, tis fun to see how everything relates.

Somehow, I don't think Capcom steered RE4 away from zombies specifically because of Apocalypse. Also, I'm betting they had RE Zero in the plans before Anderson made the movie... If not then I'm sorry that's silly, Capcom doesn't seem the type to really care what storyline Anderson creates. That's how I looked at Apocolypse just an alternate take on the events of Raccoon City.

Capcom did license out the movies, and if they wanted a specific movie that followed the storyline of the games exactly they would have given themselves more creative control over the movies.

Even ignoring all that though, I'm pretty sure it was the general complaints about the Resident Evil games becoming stale with the same old zombies that caused Capcom to make RE4 so different.
Capcom is pretty liberal when it comes to licensing their games to bad American studios, but they hardly embrace them as canon. Anyone remember Street Fighter: the movie?