Super Tuesday

All politicians are inherently corrupt - those that can claim they aren't just haven't been caught yet.

Pitlith for president!

The biggest problem we have in the US is getting people in charge who are "in the middle" to bring sanity to goverment and policy. Our goverment continually waffles between hard left and hard right majorities who are most concerned with contradicting the other side. We could use politicians who look out for the people not just their constituents.

While we're at it, since we've moved beyond the 1820s, let's can the electoral college and give the vote to the people. Wait...can't do'd take the power away from those in the extremes...
i like how you think.

All politicians are inherently corrupt - those that can claim they aren't just haven't been caught yet.

I always like the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy take on this: anyone who wants the job of President should be disallowed from having it. :tounge-1:

Our goverment continually waffles between hard left and hard right majorities who are most concerned with contradicting the other side.
This frustrates me to no end. >_<
religion is a crutch, politics is a business.

true, ill agree to that.
