Super Tuesday


Bebop Passenger
Go out there and VOTE!
My voting place is right next to my new apartment complex, but it's a local community college with a bunch of buildings. No signs at the entrance meant I ended up driving around 90% of the campus before finding the voting station. All this in a thunderstorm too....

At least I was the only one there at the time and didn't have to wait long.
That sucks, its wonderful out here in Sunny Southern California!
Yesterday was beautiful with the high reaching 80. Today the high is 41 with possible snow tonight. o_o;;
Just got home from the prelim votes (didn't feel like sticking around for all the hoopla). Was interesting to say the least. :)
i voted today.

I didn't vote because I don't understand anything about anything... sorry.... =(

if I was gunna vote, it'd be for Hilary though because I think her name is pretty
I didn't vote because I don't understand anything about anything... sorry.... =(

if I was gunna vote, it'd be for Hilary though because I think her name is pretty

This is what she is relying on. Young nieve pretty boys that think her name is pretty.

Try Indiana..May 6th :p It's like..why do we even bother?

Yeah, but the way the democratic side is playing out, it is prolly gonna mean something. If we end up mattering, it will be interesting because half the folks I work with at the polls are likely going to be working on various candidate's campaigns. (which would automatically disqualify us from being election officials)
Ive been Producing a documentary about Barack Obama, thats been going on for the last 2 years... this turn out while very compelling is also very problematic for realistic elements of the films resolution....

So yes to all those later states... go out and vote!!!!!

Ive been Producing a documentary about Barack Obama, thats been going on for the last 2 years... this turn out while very compelling is also very problematic for realistic elements of the films resolution....

So yes to all those later states... go out and vote!!!!!


Darwen you sexy piece of shit, come back! We'll all vote if you come back, hows that.