Sunday, June 3 - Sign-up

No matter what though, I am hooked so I will be attending :D I can see nothing but fun in store for us so as long as we keep it up, a lot of good things will happen.

I can share my experiences with Salvage.

Bhaflau is a great motivator because the boss fight is fun, you're practically guaranteed to at least get there every time, and it's pretty easy with a high chance of wins. The disadvantage to Bhaflau is that the only thing you will leave with are boss Lv. 25 drops. You get some Lv. 15 drops along the way, but I consider these equal to getting no drops at all, because the Lv. 35 components to complete all of those pieces are still undiscovered in Salvage. It is generally accepted that they are rare drops from a certain set of NMs, but it is unknown how to consistently pop those NMs and to my knowledge there are 0 pieces of Lv. 35 equipment from these NMs across all servers.

Arrapago has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. The advantage of Arrapago is that, once you get the hang of it and if you go properly supplied/equipped, it is very easy to kill almost every NM target possible, so in some cases you can get many Lv. 35s on the same run if you're lucky. Also, one of the Lv. 35 dropping mobs has a pretty high drop rate, and can drop multiple pieces of equip at once. Finally, the Lv. 15 equip that drops in Arrapago is actually a pretty common drop from Archaic Gear(s), and the corresponding pieces to complete these Lv. 15s drop from Silver Sea NMs (which you need to kill anyway to complete Bhaflau Boss equip, so having some of these pieces in stock allows you to do "kill 2 birds with one stone" runs in Silver Sea), and the Lv. 25 pieces come from Zhayolm Remnants boss, which is probably the easiest boss in all of Salvage.

The disadvantage to Arrapago is that the learning curve is steep, the job setup is very strict in what you can/can't bring, and some of the Lv. 35s (morrigan body in particular) are extremely rare.

Silver Sea NM farming sucks. The disadvantage to Silver Sea is that cell drops are totally random and for the most part any mob can drop any cell, so you never know what to kill to get cells you're lacking. Also, the NMs are laid out in such a way that the game prevents you from killing certain NMs on the same run that you kill certain other NMs. It also takes a very long time to become efficient in Silver Sea, especially if more than 9-10 people are present. The advantage, as mentioned previously, is that the NMs drop Lv. 35 equip (rarely) that correspond to Lv. 15 equip that drops in Arrapago, so you can kill 2 birds with one stone. The other advantage is that, provided you kill the correct NM, Lv. 15 drops are 100% and the NMs are all 100% pop. So if you're 2/3 these pieces are guaranteed.

My initial strategy for Salvage was to try to stock up on Lv. 35s from Arrapago, since they are far and away the largest bottleneck to completing Salvage equip. This quickly led to demoralization, as the drops are so rare and farming Arrapago 15 times in a row gets repetitive. So I decided to go back to stocking up Lv. 25s from LBC. Now I try to keep a fair mix of LBC, Arrapago, and Silver Sea. After a while, due to the natural course of free lotting Lv. 15 equip in Arrapago and getting rare Lv. 35s in Silver Sea, people will end up being 2/3 on those pieces with the 3rd piece comign from Zhayolm boss. Once that happens, you can start throwing Zhayolm boss into the mix.