New FFXIV Pics (tarus)

Am I the only one who thinks the new Mithra race name is going to be hard to spell/pronounce? >_<;;



I read that and first thought, "Mosquito?". How the hell would you say that? "mee-ko-tay"? "My-kwo-tee"?

If that's the alternative, I'm with Benny on this one. Keep the race names. At least the existing are easy to pronounce.
Miqo'te = "my quote"? >:P

Pronounced starting with "mee-ko" isn't too bad since it reminds me of "miko," a Japanese shrine maiden. But "'te"? -.-;;
wow never thought i'd say this... but hume look the coolest...

edit:: elvaan might not be so bad as long as they dont have the bulging neck!
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For those interested, Miqo'te is the phonetic translation of the name SE chose. The proper sound for ミコッテ/Miqo'te would be "me-ko te" (small pause between ko and te. Te would be pronounced like the first part of "take." (In actuality, Katakana is used for foreign words, so we're actually reading the word the way a Japanese person would pronounce it said foreign word, for all we know Miqo'te is literally "Cat-woman" from some tribal language, and knowing SE, it is.)

ララフェル/Lalafell sounds like ra-ra-fe-ru (fe as in fell, ru as in rudabega(sp?)). I think lolitaru is a more appropriate name personally.

ルガダィン/Roegadyn sounds like ru-ga-deen

ヒューラン/Hyuran sounds like He-you-ran (run "He" and "you" together)

エルゼン/Elzen sounds like eh-ru-zen

Not trying to sound like Mr. Smartypants, I'm just explaining for those who don't know.

P.S. Zeri and Benny, I picked up "Dirty Japanese" from Kinokuniya. It's a must read full of laughs.
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For those interested, Miqo'te is the phonetic translation of the name SE chose. The proper sound for ミコッテ/Miqo'te would be "me-ko te" (small pause between ko and te. Te would be pronounced like the first part of "take." (In actuality, Katakana is used for foreign words, so we're actually reading the word the way a Japanese person would pronounce it said foreign word, for all we know Miqo'te is literally "Cat-woman" from some tribal language, and knowing SE, it is.)

ララフェル/Lalafell sounds like ra-ra-fe-ru (fe as in fell, ru as in rudabega(sp?)). I think lolitaru is a more appropriate name personally.

ルガダィン/Roegadyn sounds like ru-ga-deen

ヒューラン/Hyuran sounds like He-you-ran (run "He" and "you" together)

エルゼン/Elzen sounds like eh-ru-zen

Not trying to sound like Mr. Smartypants, I'm just explaining for those who don't know.

P.S. Zeri and Benny, I picked up "Dirty Japanese" from Kinokuniya. It's a must read full of laughs.

Thanks Foddboss. No screenshot of the mikotte katakana so wasn't sure. Their choice of romanization sucks though. I mean, q?

Dirty Japanese eh? So does this mean you'll talk naughty to me now? :blush2: I'll have to find the book.
Or, you could just watch Oruchuban Ebichu.