New FFXIV Pics (tarus)

lol, well I guess some people know a lot more than the rest of us. I haven't seen anything documenting jobs or crafts.
Elvaaaaan all the way =P... Valgavv will make another appearance (if no one else steals the name before I make my char that is lol)
I really would love to play this, but SE's handling of gear progression was such a huge turn-off in FFXI. Quests were also painfully unrewarding and virtually unnecessary in the game. I really dread that they'll make the same mistakes in FFXIV, especially when Snuggle mentioned that you may get to import your characters from FFXI. If they do that, then that's the nail in the coffin for my desire to try the game out. My fingers are crossed that they completely overhaul and learn about proper item progression and pve balance.
That last picture with what looked like different jobs looked like a Beastmaster! Oh I hope so :D

Wait ... importing characters? lolwut? Thought they wanted to keep the playerbases separate. As in, both continuing to provide cash-flow to SE :( I don't think I'd be a big fan of play importing, even if I still had Rektify
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They mentioned in passing they want to let players reserve their names in the new game. That's all that could get moved if anything.
No import, but I thought they were looking for a way you could reserve your name if you played FFXI. Probably thru the new SE thing that the security fobs are attached to.
As long as no one uses Rektify (heh, half the people who know me can't correctly spell it!) I'm good.

The system they are proposing sounds a lot more like FFII as opposed to FFX. That's too bad ... but it could be awesome if implemented intelligently.
I'm not too worried... who in their right mind would use the name "Fiko?"
The katakana for the one they said might be the new race is "gyazaraa," which probably is "gatherer." So it looks like a job/occupation instead of a race. Right before the crafter they're showing "fighter" and "sorcerer."

Also each job seems to have two branches that it takes at some point... underneath the "sorcerer" it has two types listed, a curse specialist and an illusion specialist, I *think*. The fighter has sword specialty and bow specialty. There were some for the crafting and gathering too but I would need to go to my dictionary to translate those. Elmer will do it all eventually anyway lol.

Am I the only one thinking that it's just confusing and annoying that they bring over the same races and then rename them? What's even the point other than to confuse and annoy FFXI players?

Am I the only one thinking that it's just confusing and annoying that they bring over the same races and then rename them? What's even the point other than to confuse and annoy FFXI players?


I think because it's a different world and they want to set it apart from FFXI while at the same time making it familiar to FFXI players.
Well, I think I will give it a shot then. Blame snuggle for me thinking there would be character carryovers from FFXI. I will tell you one thing, I'll be making a Taru for a mage/sorcerer/whatever and an Elvaan for a warrior/fighter/durrhurr. Not going to make the mistake of cramming one person with gear for 5 jobs; it's just ridiculous.
translations from BG:
*** RACES ***

Most prolific race in Eorzea. They migrated from nearest islands and continents, taken with them their technology. The Hyurans are split up into two big groups according to their geographic localisation: inhabitants from low-lands and high-lands. Their cultures and languages are numerous.

This race is native from Eorzea. They clashed with the Hyuran after the latter's massive migration. Their auditory ability is noteworthy.

Most live in the northern sea on fishing. Some of them are hired as mercenaries or bodyguards by other races, but the other ones prefer to go towards the sea and choose to become pirates.

This race of farmers is above all settled near the southern sea. The Lalafells may appear to be small but their intelligence is superior to the other races. It seems there aren't many women.

This minority race in Eorzea splits up into two big groups: sun seekers and moon guardians. Most of them are dreadful hunters. Men are extremely rare.

Differences between races is rather minor but differences between genders will be more important.

Character Customization will be more complete: possibility to change face, skin, color of eyes and hair, etc

*** AREAS ***

In the region of Eorzea, there're three big towns: Uldaha in the desert, Gridania in the forest, and Rimsa-Rominsa in the seaside. There're pirates in the latter one. Developers promise to give a story to each inhabitant of these towns. Money is gils.


Weather changes.
Day-Night cycle.
1 day Eorzea = 1 hour Earth


Game system is named "Armory System", it depends on character's equipment. To change play style, you need to change equipment parts: this modification is executed in real time.

For example, if you're invited to join a team of warriors to fight the enemies, you only need to wear the corresponding equipment to be ready. Once the party disbanded, you only need to change equipment to come back as a crafter, fisherman, etc.

This freedom will make the solo play easier since a warrior who wants to be cured can change into a healer himself. Thereof the number of inventory's slots is more important than FFXI. The developers thought about an easier way to change equipment.

To get more powerful in each specifications, it is advised to balance out the equipment parts between them. In FFXIV, the equipment's level is essential, even more than the character's level itself. The developers insist once again on the huge freedom of this system wherer change can be made whenever. That's probably why the name of the jobs are more neutral than FFXI. The game's team has deliberately chosen to avoid the usual job class.

*** BATTLE ***

Fights are in real-time although te developers point out they won't be the "action" type.
In FFXIV, fights won't be only target and engage the enemy! You'll need to think to other parameters but no more details yet. (the magical barrier in the trailer?)

The items' resistance will be reduced through their use.


In FFXIV, guilds delivers licences/permits to players. These illustrated (and beautiful?) cards match with the missions the character has to fulfill. The players will be able to share these permits (having the card or not) and even decide on the number of persons who can participate to the mission.

The game will be irrevelant to the level of each players but some permits can't be obtained before a definite level. These tasks would take 30min~ to be fulfilled, even if some of them will be shorter. Of course, you can carry several permits at the same time.

Those missions will have different and various goals: monster hunting, enemies' raid, skill ups... These operations are called "etherites" (?) and will allow you to be instantly teleported to the specified area.
Note, the person translating did say it might not be 100% right/there might be translation issues. This is not Elmer translating, although he did say it looked good at a glance.

It looks like you can change jobs on the fly, where every you are. I think I also saw somewhere in a translation that gear/weapons degraded, so maybe that's why crafts are jobs now, so you can fix/upgrade on the fly as well.
Thankfully the linked translation seems better than the cut-and-pasted one. There's a big difference between the new Mithra being "known as fierce hunters" and "most of them are dreadful hunters." :P

Am I the only one who things the new Mithra race name is going to be hard to spell/pronounce? >_<;;
I think it's funny the main point about the elvaan are that they clashed with the humans and have fantastic hearing. XD
Please please please let the itemization make sense and be relevant to the classes. I also hope they are more open source with their UI, formulas, and gear effects. That hidden effect shit was annoying and pointless.