Kouls Dancing Extravaganza


nyquil zombie
FC/Active Member
Been leveling Dancer like a psycho person

Just hit lvl 15 and... freaking the heal dance is awesome

Curing Waltz takes 20TP to use and so far it's healed 65 health, I dono if that's the cap yet though cause I'm in a PL party so everythings getting capped.

So far Drain Samba is really cool too. 100% proc rate on every hit it seems and it does anywhere from 1-7~ health returned, which in the teens is pretty nice. Especially when your tank takes like 9-18 damage... that 5 health returned is neat.

I was able to solo to lvl 15 pretty easy.

DNC/MNK is the way to go with H2H pre-20 I think too

I'm think Dancer could essentially main heal for mabye lower levels but... I'm not so sure higher levels... the heals are TP dependent and there could be too many "OH SHIT" moments and you'd be stuck with no TP lol

I hope to get to level 20 tomorrow so I can get a flourish and a step move.

I think I might also haveta lvl SAM for this as a subjob lol... the store TP and meditate could always be useful... I'll haveta see how /nin works out there with dagger wielding action

oh another thing, you learn the abilities automatically, no scroll buying or whatever, which is nice lawl
Awesome. I'd be faggin dancer up with you if I didn't have to wait until Friday to get my copy.

Also, we play our rival school (UT) tomorrow, so i'll be gone for a good while getting hammerd watching the game at a friends.
DNC/MNK seems awesome solo, but so far I've been leaning towards inviting DNC/WAR's into parties. They're pretty freakin awesome tanks if they're geared decent. Course that will drop off at probably 30 or so kinda like how BLU/WAR does, but for low levels its the shizzit
I grouped with a well equipped DNC/NIN tonight on my DRK... and she could hold hate off me and the NIN/WAR "tank" we had in the group. The DNC primarly kept me alive if/when I got hate and tanked the rest of the time; we also had her and the RDM keeping us alive and had no troubles. No deaths the entire party time.

Only abilities they used were:

Drain Samba (always on, very nice)
The Animated ability, something that provokes
The ability that reduces the mobs evasion (and makes it so DRK Elvaans can hit the mob).
The healing ability, constant healing of about 70hp.

Cool party... very ... odd to watch though. In EQ2, you can jump, so I'm used to bouncing players (you jumped to cancel spell casting usually), but in FFXI, to see this jumping bean bouncing CONSTANTLY and glowing and twirling... it's a bit nerve racking to fight behind them.
Yeah DNC can probably tank until 37... mabye even further... I know we have a pretty high evasion and parry skill also

almost lvl 23!! jesus eff

to spit: dances are instant
Yeah.. they just dance... it's not like a spell... it's like Weapon/Shield Bash or Provoke or something.. it just happens... it's pretty slick.

*sigh* Why do the seemingly cool jobs WEAR LACE?!
first letdown with DNC

aspir samba only works on mobs with MP... I was hoping it would be like drain samba where it doesn't actually "drain" them but it just gives you health back depending on your damage done... I think that's what I read on BG... unless it does actually drain HP like it should .......

I dono... overall aspir samba is a letdown

oh well though :3
aspir samba only works on mobs with MP... I was hoping it would be like drain samba where it doesn't actually "drain" them but it just gives you health back depending on your damage done... I think that's what I read on BG... unless it does actually drain HP like it should .......

I dono... overall aspir samba is a letdown

Aspir, the spell, only works on mobs with MP. Same as Drain doesn't work on Undead.. Drain Samba doesn't work on undead. LOL.

The little label at the bottom says, "This spell is working as intended." :)

Yeah, would be cool if could aspir from things without MP, but meh.. :)
What stat attributes are important to get for gear? The DNC I partied with last night had on good melee gear, but they were using a necklace with CHR+5.
I don't think CHR effects anything really...

I think the stats you'd probably wanna focus the most on would be typical TP building gear

so as much +acc and +atk so you don't hit for 0's
What about subs? This has spurred on a lot of debate with some of my friends at work. The contenders for Dancer subs seem to really be SAM, NIN, and MNK.

Since TP is a Dancer's life blood, how can they build TP fastest? Most agree that h2h is only viable at lower levels but you'll eventually have to go to dagger. Assuming that, it boils down to which is better with a Dagger: Single wield w/store TP or Dual Wield?

(granted there's other perks to each like Meditate vs. Shadows, but I'm really curious about standard attacks. Dual Wield delay vs. only one hit with more TP from it, which wins?)
DNC has supposedly a D rating in H2H and sword so you can probably get away with H2H weapons below 40 or something but you'll want to change to dagger the higher you get... unless you think you can build TP good on VT mobs with a skill rating of 210 @75 ... yeah no... people think using Joyeuse will be uber but I think it'll suck ass and be a waste of time. Just get a BRD in melee gear to try and TP up in a merit party.. if it goes good then mabye DNC will have a shot otherwise I'd stick with daggers

as soon as I hit 20 I switched to /nin for daggers and it's working pretty good.

SAM might be good if you stacked on a lot of +haste and mabye some other +Store TP gear... meditate will definitely help out in those "OH SHIT" moments I imagine or to just help you get to 300TP as fast as you can

I dono though... I think you'd build TP faster with full acc and haste gear while /nin

people on BG saying VIT effects heals... MND effects heals... CHR effects heals........

good thing I have whm and brd lvl'd... gunna go see what's up

oh wait I'm stupid... just use brd and try the heals out with etudes lol.. fuck whm
Healing Tests:

Base Stats:
Curing Waltz did 92 HP

CHR Etude
95 HP

MND Etude

VIT Etude

all other etudes did 92.

So I guess VIT and CHR do affect them lol

Base VIT is 61 and base CHR is 68 so... math people figure that out

was getting +11 from etudes

No, I didn't have two etudes on atta time and I was nekkid

I also think it's safe to say that the amount drained by drain and aspir samba are based on the weapons delay... which kinda makes sense

190 delay: 1-5HP
264: 3-7HP
356: 5-10

give or take a point or two

I didn't try out aspir samba because yeah... when I tried it out I was getting 1-3MP returned with the 190 delay weapon
Dancer is a "front line healer" and support job

we definately can't main heal but we can cut the downtime down dramatically if there's a full time healer

we also have support-esque moves

so far I only have one 'step' but what step moves are are pretty much debuffers. the one I got is called quickstep and it lowers a mobs evasion. it stacks up to five times and I think when I hit 30 I get another one that lowers a mobs defense... not sure what the variables are but if I have Quickstep @5 on the mob, the party has little acc. problems

it's actually a really really fun job to play... kinda boring below 15 but once you get your first healing move, it's nice.

Not to mention a dance that gives sneak and invisible, costs no TP and is instant... can I get a hell yah?! Hell yah.
um... HELL YEAH!!! <3 dancer!
