Hey all! How's it going?!


Hey all, came across the old LS forums bookmark on my comptuer and figured I'd stop in and say hiya again. Hope all is going well and you're tearing up the new expansion and havin' fun. EQ2 has been a blast (new adventure pack coming out tomorrow--woot) and been keeping busy. I'll wish well from Deva too... I'm sure he'd do that. ;) He's, finally, on Crushbone in EQ2 as well and back into it.

Gimme a shout at tiredstudent@gmail.com sometime... miss ya all!

Lord Derahine, 70 Fury of the Nocturnal Souls :)
Glad to hear that you and Deva are doing well. You better keep checkin on us more often now :D


Well, I'm sorta back.. *cough*

All of my coworkers have left EQ2 for LOTR (I tried it, I cried inside, and I uninstalled)... and my raiding guild in EQ2 is... well... we're running outta stuff to raid; we can clear end-game in 3 days...

So, the rest of the time, I've reactivated FFXI, picked up ToAU, and started up on the Hades server to dink around for a bit... and realized how much I missed it. The Hades server seems quieter than Valefor, so I may stay there, but hit me up. :) If you have me /befriend, the same ID works, or my toon name is Derahine. :) If ya bored, email me and chat, tiredstudent@gmail.com.

Glad to be back to FF though--didn't realize how much I missed it.^^/

Rumor has it they will soon be having a "welcome back to vanadiel campaign" soon you may be able to re-activate your old character.
I would bet with the new expansion they will have another 'return' type of deal, one would think.

Anyways, howdy!
Yeah, one of the reps I talked to today mentioned it, but it'd be Nov/Dec or so and there's no guarantees. I'm still on hold :arg: with them trying to find a solution. Their gripe is that the account was.. well.. deleted in early 2005--over two years ago. And the account wasn't just deactivated, but the toon deleted. I've had words of encouragement (I created a Valefor toon that I'm leveling up), but everyone at SE seems to be pretty set in the fact they can't fix it since I deleted the toon (I got past the 'it's been over a year' roadblock)--so I'll keep working them. :blue-cry:
Five hours and seven CSRs and two lead CSRs later.

"I'm sorry, we can restore any account that is just canceled, but an account two years old that has been deleted and had other accounts created over it just isn't possible... "

*shoots self*
><; No more tropicana for you.