
Alas, drinking problems in the family cause me to make what I believe to be a wise decision for myself. It sure is fun watching other people get drunk though :bfg:

-hi5-. Same here. It is awkward at business functions sometimes though... Consultants love to take people out for drinks at the slightest hint of a reason to (completed task 3B on the action list?! let's go get martinis) because they just bill it to the company anyway, lol.

-hi5-. Same here. It is awkward at business functions sometimes though... Consultants love to take people out for drinks at the slightest hint of a reason to (completed task 3B on the action list?! let's go get martinis) because they just bill it to the company anyway, lol.

That's when you order yourself filet mignon. On the company's tab.
Fodder your story made me sick to my stomach... that's disgusting. Can I see the pics?
Mani said:
If I remember correctly, the hangover is caused by dehydration caused by alcohol being a diuretic (explains the importance of "breaking the seal"). This is why you see so many suggestions to drink water or Gatorade before going to sleep; they help replenish the fluids that you have been loosing throughout the evening. At this point, anything that you can put into your body to rehydrate yourself would be a plus. Try to avoid soft drinks since caffeine is also a mild diuretic.
This is the correct answer. Hangovers are half-dehydration and half-withdrawal, so either start drinking again or pound gatorade/water and ibuprofen till you feel better.