Funny things you did when you were a noob to FFXI

My favorite was circling a mob as I fought it thinking that would make it miss me more often.
I think my Egg Hunting Season story was probably my noobiest moment in this game yet. I'm sure I'll goof up badly enough in the future to top it.

Let's see... that post was... here.

And Eti, I think everyone did that one to begin with. Haha.
I tossed quite alot of beastmen seals as well. I didn't know what they were for until I was like 40ish when people started doing that mandy BCNM where you needed a BRD to sleep everything.
Thats what i was thinking fodder "oh damn 2005 wtf?" lol i think we all did that thinking if we moved it would miss bit. Other than that my stories werent bad since it wasnt my first mmo.

Oh wait i sold quadav backplates to npcs for 100gil when they were 1k+ on the AH.
Eticket had been playing for 6 months at least before I started so about the only noobish thing I did was follow him around :eek:

I think I dia'd the wrong mob in the dunes (RDM was my first job) because I didn't realize I could use magic on a mob we weren't fighting even though I wasn't locked onto it. It was a ls party though so we kicked ass and didn't wipe.
Man, this brings back memories.

My noobest moment was spending like 30 minutes near a Home Point crystal trying to save the game so I could turn off my PC. I thought I was doing something wrong like not standing close to the crystal or not standing directly near it. Eventually, I just turned off my PC with the power button. My initial fear was that turning the PC off by hitting its power button would have me start over again with character creation and stuff, and would have to relevel my Lv5 WHM. Wasn't until after reading the manual that I understood what the Log Out function was :/

FFXI was my first MMO.

Good times.
I read ahead before buying the game and didn't make the most common mistakes here, but I still had a few along the way. I figured I could get a little more damage on the way to 15thf by subbing blm in the dunes, and I think I was still using my level 4 Beestinger there at level 12. :p You'd think I would have known by then; I was already 35+ on whm!

My biggest newbie adventure though was when I was just starting out. I was maybe level 9 or 10 whm, my first job. I was seeking in Saruta when I got a call; some party in "the dunes" was desperate for a white mage, and could I come over? Well... I'd never even been in Tahrongi more than twice, but what did I know? All I had to do was cross a couple zones and catch a ferry, and they were giving me directions as I went. Thus began an epic adventure to get to the ferry and my waiting party.

I was so lost. I seriously tried, but they finally gave up after 20+ minutes when I'd gotten just a tiny way into Bubu. Why they thought I could get out there in any reasonable time and help, I'll never know, but I was so completely inexperienced that I gave it my all. It wasn't so much a dumb newbie moment as a clueless one.

I never made it to the dunes until I was 18 and ready for my subjob items. ^_^;;
I didn't read the date at first and was like "whoa wtf, Churchill posts here?" lol.

I did the running in circles thing too. And I meleed as RDM until 45 or so, when I started to realize between Refresh and Converting and everything else I had it just didn't make sense anymore. That was a sad day :(

Didn't have BLM sub for RDM until I was over 60 (I still stand by the decision to go RDM/WHM all the way there though)

Thought that Decent Challenge was harder than Even Match.

Was confused and angry when I met my first Goblin and he started attacking me...WITHOUT ME EVEN TOUCHING HIM! WTF!

I also was known to have e-crushes on men who I thought were women. That's an odd realization to come to. I'm just glad that hasn't happened to me irl...that would be significantly more awkward.
LOL oh the days of being a noob.

I remember when I first started playing I started on THF and subbed /MNK. I had watched my boyfriend and other friend play FFXI. They both were like lvl 15 and I couldn't wait to be that high of lvl to be able to play with them. I didn't know you had to "Call for Help" when in trouble with a mob. I use to have my b/f came out in W.Ron to "protect" me if I got in trouble with a mob. I got owned by a gob and let my b/f have it because he didn't "save me". Didn't have any idea that he couldn't just jump in and start attacking the mob I had claimed. I stopped lvling THF because I thought if you HP'd you couldn't lvl that job anymore.

I picked up lvling WAR and I remember finding the Dunes and running right out in to it. I got owned not that far from the zone. I was scared to death of that place after that and tried to convice my first Dunes PT that we should not PT there. We had a PL named Smithscoma (still see him around from time to time today) and I kept telling him to fight the mob and why was he risking his life to cure us?. I was also amazed by all the colors of the weapon skills going off on the gobs we were fighting.

I lvl'd WAR to 37 with a sword and a shield. I didn't know WARS were to use Axe's or a G. Axe.

I also lvl'd PLD to 14 with out buying any spells. I was ina PT in the Dunes and got chewed out because I didn't have any spells on me. I had my friend named Welendowd (lol) buy me the spells I needed and bring them out to me in that PT.

I remember dieing in the dunes on WAR and having Heie come out to raise me. I couldn't get over thefast that he casted all kinds of stuff on me and that it must have taken him YEARS to get his RDM (I think it was) to 75.

LOL Oh how I miss those days at times.
Welendowd is a RL friend of Pat's. :O
I hope to god there's at least one other person who tried to raise someone with a Revival Root. Read the description some time, it's extremely misleading (._.) I was more like Varda though, I read up a bit on FFXI before starting, though I didn't know you needed a key item to receive teleport (imagine my surprise when I was the only one left behind the first time I tried to get one) and a few other things...

Anyone else start out, die from poison on an early mob (yay crawlers), go try to buy an antidote or two, and then exclaim "Over 300 gil? Almost 1/2 of what I have?! And an ether is 5000?!? OMG!!!"

And now that I think about it, I had a couple times early on where I didn't check prices at the AH and it cost me. While harvesting I tossed several fresh mugworts just because they looked like the useless fresh marjoram, and I only later found out they were *the* best harvesting item. >_<;;
I hope to god there's at least one other person who tried to raise someone with a Revival Root. Read the description some time, it's extremely misleading (._.) I was more like Varda though, I read up a bit on FFXI before starting, though I didn't know you needed a key item to receive teleport (imagine my surprise when I was the only one left behind the first time I tried to get one) and a few other things...

you are the master of time and space. Just not the master of Raise spells.