First Accessory in the “Final Fantasy Players' Collection” Line Now on Sale! (08/1

Wait so how much is it in Japan?
Aa - So you're paying the cost PLUS COD shipping to your flat? ._.;;
Uh... it's just the cost of the item and shipping, there's no COD charge. >.>

So, total is 5,000YEN (~$45.55). It's not a big deal... Item: 4,500YEN, Shipping 500YEN.
I would imagine that in japan this item would be way cooler cause most likely you will see way more people wearing them on the street and you could high-five them when you walk by just like guys with boom boxes on their shoulders did in the 80s.

otherwise, spending 50 bucks on this just for the teleport...I dont know, I guess if you have the money, more power to you. It just seems like something SE was trying to combat for the past 6 years. What if RMT sold you a home kitchen plastic cuttlery set for 150 dollars but gave you an in game ridill as a "Side benefit". Maybe its comparing apples to oranges, but w/e. For 50 buck's you would be better off buying an 8th of kind bud and teleporting to the moon, man.
Ashmus said:
I would imagine that in japan this item would be way cooler cause most likely you will see way more people wearing them on the street and you could high-five them when you walk by just like guys with boom boxes on their shoulders did in the 80s.
I saw a girl at the Renaissance Faire with a tat of a Moogle. I totally called her out on it thinking it'd be a good in, but she just got really embarrassed, lol.

Ashmus said:
For 50 buck's you would be better off buying an 8th of kind bud and teleporting to the moon, man.
Combines the appeal of a pewter rat dropping with the high fashion of a bolo tie. SE should just be honest and say outright, "Look. For 40 bucks, you can save 100-200 gil here and there and maybe the time it takes to ride a chocobo or get a teleport, at the expense of an inventory slot." Whoop-dee-doo. I find myself hardly using boats and airships anymore anyway.
Found someone with one in game~ It's a very cool BODY piece!
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Is that 40 hours on reuse?? That is such an insult if it is. 40 minutes maybe.. but 40 hours !:eek: