End of the Road

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Appreciate the time you have had this up. It's been my homepage for a while.
Where am I going to lurk now? D:

Thanks for all the hard work, Aang! <333
Aww if the forums die I won't be able to post pictures of the real life Taru Taru that should be here in the next 3-4 weeks :(
Thanks a lot, Aang.. we may have had our differences at first (or at least, I interpreted it that way at first) but now, although I still feel that I don't know you quite that well, can vouch for the amount of dedication you have shown this linkshell and this forum. It's also become clear to me that you are a very fair and just person.

All in all, you've done an awesome job keeping this up and running, and steadily improving it and adding so many useful features, especially this year.

I don't say this often, but you've earned my respect and admiration, something you should have had from the beginning if I had just opened my eyes.

Nobody can keep this kind of thing up forever, however. I saw this as an inevitable outcome - you're only human. Thank you for keeping it up! It has allowed a lot of us to keep in contact, and has been an excellent source for FFXI information. I never even check POL's website because somebody always posts their latest news and updates here.
Well, Congrats Kalia & Tiizii! I am sure it was an ACCIDENT that we were not told beforehand. :P

Fiko: Thank you very much.
Not playing hurt for awhile but it was for the best... Now knowing the forums database is going makes it hurt even more :(

Thanks a ton AA, I really wished we did more together in the late shift but you where always so quiet when you where logged in lol :)
Well, Congrats Kalia & Tiizii! I am sure it was an ACCIDENT that we were not told beforehand. :P

Heh, it was intentional :badshape: I thought it would be cooler to wait until the end. But it's pretty close to the end already, only a couple weeks left.
Look, Miss. Gjallarhorn, I'm slow... I know, but hey!

I think you owe me a merit party after that comment. :eek:

I have two words for you Aang! LOG ON

Kalia & Tizii !! Congratulations, hope the delivery is on time & smooth. Kalia, wear comfortable walking shoes!
Thanks, it's more stressful than I imagined. The last few weeks seem to take much longer than the first few weeks that's for sure. >.> But we're blessed that it's been pretty smooth so far, we'd been trying for close to 3 years so the fact that it's been so smooth is definitely a big relief. It's kind of weird having no idea what he's going to look like. All we know so far is that apparently he has tons of hair :D
We must see pictures when your new baby arrives. This is so very exciting!! I hope you're taking good care of Tii and yourself. Get as much sleep as you can now. That's probably my best advise. Have you thought of a name???
The name thing is turning out to be pretty complicated lol. I'm half Greek and half American, and she's completely Vietnamese. So we're trying to work three different cultures in. He'll probably have my last name, and then the middle name(s) will be Vietnamese, and the first name either Greek or American. American and Greek doesn't matter so much about the meaning of the name, but in Vietnamese culture it's hugely important.

All the Vietnamese things we come up with for the middle name, everyone (everyone being the Vietnamese side of the family) says it's too hard to pronounce. But we might just say fuck it and go with it anyway. First names we've got some final contenders, but haven't gotten it down to just 1 yet. I don't remember the full list, but I know for sure that Simon, Haskell, Alastair, Matthias, and Gabriel are there.

Then of course everyone on the American side of the family has opinions too. Simon sounds too nerdy, Haskell sounds archaic, etc.

It's further compounded by the fact that Vietnamese words are really really short, sometimes 2 letters, but more commonly 3 or 4. And you can have this totally non-Vietnamese name like Matthias, but when Vietnamese people try to say it they break it into smaller words, like for example per-syllable, and then if any of the syllables sounds like a Vietnamese word with an unpleasant meaning they associate that word with the name. Like the "thi" in Matthias sounds like something bad in Vietnamese.

If that's not enough, even some Vietnamese words (like for the middle name) cause problems because even if they have a good meaning, really Southern people (which is what her family is) have trouble pronouncing them and instead pronounce them like something else that has a terrible meaning. when we ask her family to come up with good Vietnamese middle names, they always say "well tell us the first name and then we'll try to come up with a Vietnamese name that sounds the same", but that seems really cheap and a cop-out, and I always think it's stupid when someone Asian person who barely speaks a word of English says their name is "Jennifer" or something.
Congratz Kalia and T.Z.!! =)
Ok, so I don't know you, but...I am completely american, and our youngest daughter is beautifully korean. We did give her an american first and middle that was important to us, her korean name is I suppose what one would call a second middle. I am regretting that we did not hyphenate her given last name to our name and am seriously contemplating legally changing it.

I/we don't care that a lot of people can't pronounce her name, nor what they cared about her having an extremely long name.

I find that our asian neighbors call her by her korean name, I call her both, and most of family call her by american name. Mayhaps that is a situation that might work for you.
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