Crystal War Revisited – Ongoing Results! (11/13/2007)


Kitteh's Meow
PlayOnline said:
Crystal War Revisited – Ongoing Results! (11/13/2007)

We expect that you've already jumped at the chance to take part in the Crystal War Revisited event, right, kupo?

We Moogles are losing sleep speculating about which nation has been able to secure the most crystal fragments, and stake their claim as most powerful among the Allied Forces of Altana! We couldn't help but carry out some preliminary calculations, and we'd like to take this opportunity to announce the Crystal War Revisited event's current standings, kupo!

Click here for the current standings, kupo.
Click here for details on the Crystal War Revisited event, kupo.

PlayOnline said:
<!-- TITLE AREA END --><!-- TEXT AREA -->We expect that you've already jumped at the chance to take part in the Crystal War Revisited event, right, kupo?

We Moogles are losing sleep speculating about which nation has been able to secure the most crystal fragments, and stake their claim as most powerful among the Allied Forces of Altana! We couldn't help but carry out some preliminary calculations, and we'd like to take this opportunity to announce the current standings for the Crystal War Revisited event, kupo!


How do those results sit with you, kupo?
Congratulations to the leading nation! All you adventurers keep representing, kupo!
For those of you in second and third... Well, there's still plenty of time left, beastmen to kill, and crystal fragments to steal! It's on now, kupo!

Don't give up! Your nation is counting on you, kupo!

As a little added incentive, we thought you might like to know that adventurers exhibiting exemplary exploits can expect exciting extras, regardless of their nation's standing, kupo!

So keep on keeping on, kupo! Become a beacon for your nation, a supreme representative of its pride and spirit, and steal those crystals, kupo!
Yay, Windy! =^.^=

I could hardly believe these results though. Out of 32 servers, Sandy is in last place on 30 of them! o_o And the other 2, it's in second place. Pretty crazy.... I wonder if this is from people who joined as Sandy and later moved to do other country missions, or what.

Not that I'm asking for a Sandy revival. ^_~ Go Windy!!! ^_^b
we in sandy have better things to do.

Windy people, let's not let down our guard. We may be winning on Valefor now, but we need to keep up the good work so we claim our prize!

Windurst for life!!! ^_^v
Varda.. that sounded like what they say when you're getting Signet.. lol

Go Windy!

<table class="ta_info3" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="480"><tbody><tr><td width="480">Nov. 15, 2007 02:00 [PST] From: FINAL FANTASY XI</td> </tr> <tr><td width="480">
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</td></tr><tr> <td width="500"> Regarding the ongoing results for "Crystal War Revisited"</td></tr> <tr><td>
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<!-- ** --> On Nov. 13, 2007, the topic "Crystal War Revisited - Ongoing Results! " was announced. We would like to inform you of an error in the individual world standings. Along with correcting the details of the topic, we would like to apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
Please refer to the corresponding topic for the correction details.

"Crystal War Revisited - Ongoing Results!"

We would like to thank users for their continuing support of FINAL FANTASY XI.
Bastok is now last everywhere, except in 2 worlds where they are second. To me, it looks like Sandy and Bastok got switched in the original table.
Who cares about Sandy and Bastok as long as Windy rules on Valefor! :)

Though, Windy > Sandy > Bastok is more normal to our conquest point rankings...