Anyone having POL/FFXI network issues today?

Give it some time, I'm sure Verizon will throw enough money at whoever is responsible and fios will flood down upon you like gold from heaven!
That and the morons gave Comcast a 10 yr franchise in 2006. Not sure if that hampers things. But yeah, I'd love to be able to get FiOS and give Comcast the finger.
lol @ FiOS being everywhere. I'm betting on 5 years before we see it in my area. Comcast bought out Insight and now controls everything with an iron fist of evil.

That said, I'd be happy to have Comcast right now. My apartment complex supplies their own worthless excuse for cable and there's no alternative as long as I live here...never thought I'd be missing Comcast but...I do >.>
I think I am one of the few people that actually hasn't had much of a bad experience with Comcast o.O I've had it for about a year and yesterday is the first and only time I've really had any connection issues. I had ATT/bellsouth before and that was a load of crap.
Comcast really isn't that bad of a company. Unless of course you're in a area where they haven't upgraded the cables in the ground since they were put in 15-20 years ago. joff Millenium/broadstripe sucks, I've heard complaints about cox, roadrunner, and a few others.

Only problems I've heard about FIOS is that the menus on the tv are sluggish/glitchy.
My neighborhood doesn't even have cables in the ground yet. Miami's ghetto ass has my neighborhood with -hanging- cables still.

My neighborhood doesn't even have cables in the ground yet. Miami's ghetto ass has my neighborhood with -hanging- cables still.


As in from telephone polls? Cause if so, then the entirety of New England is ghetto. Most everything runs on standard poles above ground still. Only new residential developments have wires in the ground, and even that's iffy. So it's not that bad. Hopefully you don't have lots of 1 way streets from the horse and buggy days. Now that's ghetto. ;P
Hopefully you don't have lots of 1 way streets from the horse and buggy days. Now that's ghetto. ;P
And if you had the actual horses and buggies, you'd be the opposite of ghetto. ^_~

{insert link to Living in an Amish Paradise here}

I checked Verizon's list, and we don't have FIOS anywhere in Oklahoma, not that I'm surprised. :P
If anyone wants, I can check to see if it's in your area, anywhere in the country. lol And yes I get paid if you sign up! :shades02:

I check about twice a week to see if its in my area. So tired of comcast. I'll let you know when I want to sign up for it so you get the cash. Think my one friend is going to get it. If he does I'll be in contact so its more money your pocket.
Thanks man, deffinately appreciate it. Owner just included fios into our goals for the month. So it's either sell 5 triple plays a month or automatically lose 5% of my gross profit pay out. Fucking slave driver.

P.S. Redd is your company hiring? :tounge-3:

POL is doing these errors and such for the network to me right now. I can't log on from my lap top or from my old desktop.

Did any one figure out why it's doing this or how to get POL back up and working properly?

Pol is down till 6pm. They are doing maintence.