"A Crystalline Prophecy" Advance Orders Begin and Item Details Announced!(03/23/2009)


Kitteh's Meow
PlayOnline said:

Hmmm, those aren't half bad. Seems the only way to make them useful though is the specialize one for 1 or maybe 2 jobs.
Acc + Enmity


Fast Cast + Enmity


PLD boner.
Stats for those that don't want to deal with POL.

Neuvo coselete
Def. 49 HP +20 STR +5 DEX +5 VIT +5

Royal redingote
Def. 40 MP +20 INT +5 MND +5 CHR+5

Mirke waldecors
Def. 42 HP +10 MP +10 STR +5 DEX +5 AGI +5

Augementable stats. 2 of the following can be added.

Accuracy +10
Attack +10
Ranged Accuracy +10
Ranged Attack +10
Evasion +10
Magic Accuracy +4
"Magic Atk. Bonus" +4
"Double Attack" +2%
Critical hit rate +3%
"Store TP" +4 "Subtle Blow" +4 (in one spot on list so most likely one augment)
Enmity +5
Enmity -5
Enhances "Fast Cast" effect (+5%)
"Call Beast" ability delay -15
"Snapshot" +5%
Enhances "Dual Wield" effect (+3%)
"Blood Pact" ability delay -4
Avatar perpetuation cost -2
"Quick Draw" ability delay -5
Pet: Accuracy +15 Ranged Accuracy +15
Pet: Attack +15 Ranged Attack +15
Pet: Magic Accuracy +7 "Magic Atk. Bonus" +7
Pet: "Double Attack" +2% Critical hit rate +2%

Only one armor piece of the three can be owned. However, if you discard one you can re-quest it or one of the others.
If I go with PLD with definately do Fast Cast and Enmity...

But I hate to make my Valor useless by doing that.

Going to look at options for other jobs >.> and then probably come back to PLD. Fast Cast and 5 enmity is hot.

Also something I just thought of... does it say anywhere that you can't pick the same augment twice? Because I can't find anything saying that. You probably can't... but if you could that would open up some interesting options.
Only one of my jobs would any of these be an improvement.Out of War Nin Brd Rng Sam Mnk only Rng would be an upgrade.5 Str 5 Dex 5 Agi 10 Rng Att Snapshot 5% yes pls
Only one of my jobs would any of these be an improvement.Out of War Nin Brd Rng Sam Mnk only Rng would be an upgrade.5 Str 5 Dex 5 Agi 10 Rng Att Snapshot 5% yes pls

I miss your poorly put together sentences and strange structures. COME BACK TO ME MY LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE
STR+5 AGI+5 DEX+5 is a sidegrade to Dragon Harness imo for fully stacked WS on THF without Skadi body, and definately an improvement if you actually toss on ATT and ACC +10. Though, I'm more interested in tossing on MAB+4 and QD recast -5. That's a 10% increase in QD damage from shortened recast alone, and a huge boost in the ability of COR to sleep mobs (45sec recast Light Shot).
Curious how useful or useless BLMs and SCHs think that a fast cast body piece would be.

I'm leveling either BLM or SCH next and it seems to me that a combination of fast cast and either MAcc or MAB or -enmity could possibly be useful. However given that all of my magic damage type jobs are still sitting at 40 I'm not sure how useful that would actually be and if there are better options.
After looking it over this seems pretty useless for blm. Sch I can see it being useful but at the same its meh. I like nuking in af1 body for sch cause of the +15 skill it gives me when dark arts is up. Setting this up for rdm to nuke would be nice but then rdms don't nuke much unless they are soloing. Even then it seems meh. In the end this only really seems good for pld rng cor or pet jobs.
Hmmm... I thought there might be some value in fast cast if you were low-manning or soloing something.
Depending on how easy the quest is, I may just run around with a piece that has +5 and -5 to enmity to see if anyone says anything.
Unless this body piece can provide a source of MP (like Valor can), Valor will never be completely useless... but it's nice to be able to get different options! :D For the longest of times, Valor has been the be-all end-all to PLD body pieces.
If so, I'd just add HP and Fast Cast to the Avalon Breastplate and have THE most broken PLD body piece in the history of body pieces.
