A modest 1.0 proposal...

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Bring back 1.0.
Yes, I was there. Yes, I rmbr needing 3 ice packs in rotation to even play the game or my laptop would overheat and crash. Yes, I found the lag insufferable. But hear me out!

I've been playing FFXIV since they added Dragoon back in (thanks Yoshi). Dumpster fire that it was, I really loved FFXIV. It has been my main MMO ever since; and I don't plan on leaving; The game is fun and I love it (or I wouldn't have played it for 14 years). But that doesn't mean I don't have criticisms.

I felt this THE MOMENT ARR beta began and BLM had Fire and Blizzard as rotational abilities & Thunder was a lowly DoT. I instantly knew the game was a WoW clone with little semblance to past FF combat systems (ala FFXI).

However, my point is that I find the current Job System a shallow husk of it's previous incarnation, FFXI; and Job homogenization being a problem. (Heavensward Dragoon was my favorite version of that Job, it felt just right; & every version since has felt bloated.) Likewise, the combat system of GCD with OCD weaves, just feels, i dunno....just fine? I miss so much of 1.0's elements, like UI ability icons, HP bars, skill ups, impactful animations with momentum, sound effects, how polearms would extend when unsheathed...

i dislike every MMO now being ARPGs. I miss slower, methodical combat of FFXI and 1.0. And you can't invoke nostalgia with me, at least not for FFXI, since I didn't truly play that game until 2021. I just find FFXI's combat better in every respect (subjective opinion).

TLDR and Continuing the point, Not asking FFXIV to change per se; but may I submit a few suggestions; if only to show my interest (since Square doesn't have a suggestion box).
  • Can we get a game mode in XIV ala Eureka/Bozja; but the combat system is FFXI's?
  • Can you release FFXIV Classic, as a client never meant to be updated and just experienced for posterity's sake?
  • Failing that, can you release the source code for FFXIV 1.0 since you clearly have zero intention of ever using it or letting it see the light of day again?
  • On a parallel request: FFXI remaster when? WITHOUT altering the combat or aesthetic. (Get it off PlayOnline, put it in the FFXIV launcher, update the engine, update the UI to support modern resolutions, get it off the PS2 dev kits, bundle the subs together.....FFXIV owes its existence to 11 lmao; if any game deserves a remaster, it's 11). I feel like if you leaned into the "slower tactical old school experience" with FFXI, and "modern streamlined action-y experience" with FFXIV, they'd co-exist quite nicely....
  • Would you consider an offline port of FFXIV 1.0, for again, posterity's sake.

Yes, yes, inb4 "nightmare."
Here's to hoping Echoes of Vana'diel is amazing (and a sign of things to come...)

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