

Gone and back again.. and again..
FC/Active Member
I'm going to push this back to next week since Faf is in our evening time-slot. So let's try this..

Sunday May 18th 5pm EST
ZM-4 (Tonberry BC) and all/partial ZM-5 (Headstone NM's) depending on time

Monday May 19th 7pm EST
Continue with ZM-5 if needed. ZM-6 (Antican BC)

Tuesday May 20th 7pm EST
ZM-12 Kam'lanaut BC

Wednesday would be a good time for DM but that's Aang's baby.
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I've been meaning to help my wife with these. She's on ZM4 still. She's got DRG at 60 currently but should be at 65 or so by the end of the weekend.

However, we're on the west coast and don't get on til 8:30pm est most nights.
Happy to help any day but Monday (Nyzul static). One BST is all you need for that ZM12 pot btw, if I remember correctly.

I want some of what you are smoking.


she's in the static with my pld. when we actually manage to gather and xp, we do pretty well. we'll probably end up around 63-64 though now that I think about it. 70k isn't as much as it used to be with the new exp ring and toau camps.
ill help any time falk, just remind me through tell or something on the days you are going.
My RL friend, who happens to be a 75 bard, is very interested if you'll have him. His character in game is Milow. He's very cool and laid back, and having a bard is nice... :)
Which ZM is Milow on Zeri? I may have to postpone this due to conflicting schedules based on the number of people I have signed up to help.
Pushed this back to next week due to Faf being in our evening time slot at the moment.
are you on zm4 still falk?
flagged for ZM4.
Lemme know and I can help on SAM or RDM. I'm on the final battle with the kid (ZM16?) and would LOVE to just see the end of that storyline (and assuming I have to have that completed to do Apocalypse Nigh whenever we finish CoP.