Yahoo News top story today


Unicorns are kickass!
I've been seeing this story a few times, is what they've got written there the actual truth?

I've kinda been taking this as 50% fact/50% power words (to increase story interest).

I don't expect that they really put something in that takes that long to take down, but enemies like AV and this story have me wondering how hard you have to finesse something in order to get a victory. I could understand if maybe certain fight requirements weren't being met or if it was just brute force through the wrong strategy that was making it take so long, but is it REALLY honestly meant to take that long to bring down a single enemy in this game?

Is this something that isn't implemented fully yet as something to beat?
It's beatable I'm sure.

Vrtra looked unbeatable the third time someone fought it too.
Yeah, they've been using guild in the story since it first popped up on some MMO page. That just goes to show how well news agencies do their research. All this started from one BG thread which got quoted as a 'feature' on some FFXI site. It just keeps getting bigger. I'm surprised NBC news didn't lead with it. >.>
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i'm sure dateline or 20/20 or something like that will be doing a report soon.
I just hope Chris Hansen isn't waiting for me the next time I go into Tavnazia.

Prishe said she was older than she looks. I swear! Nothing was going to happen anyway, it was just talk.That's all.
It was referred to as a guild because 'guild' is a term most video gamers are familiar with and is used in LOTS of other mmo styled games. If they called it a linkshell people wouldn't know wtf they were talking about.

They simply don't explain it since that would take more effort and honestly guild = linkshell.
It was referred to as a guild because 'guild' is a term most video gamers are familiar with and is used in LOTS of other mmo styled games. If they called it a linkshell people wouldn't know wtf they were talking about.

They simply don't explain it since that would take more effort and honestly guild = linkshell.


Lazy pieces of shit.
Dont make me do stuff...
