WTS: M. Silverpiece/L. Jadeshell/100 Byne Bill


Just call me Veronica Mars
I'm selling one (1) hundred bill every week, since I do dynamis on Thursdays and sell off one hundred bill to fund the next week. It can be of either currency, either a Jadeshell, a Silverpiece or a 100 Byne (as in, one of them, not one of each), whichever you might need. If you're interested, let me know however - on here, send me a /tell ingame, w/e.
I might get in contact with you for that; I've still got a small debt to pay to DDSavage using Garret as a proxy. At least you know that it'll be going towards his shield!

I still owe 372.
I know you got in touch with me earlier, I'm still up for what you've offered!

I logged kinda early last night, I wanted a day to chillout and let things die down, lol.
Hehe, I completely forgot about you, tbh. <.<;; I've been in America for some time, and that was my last night there, so once I got that ENM done, I just logged, lol. Then of course, was my 24-hours-straight of travelling back to Norway, which is always fun, but I'm home now. :) I'll look for ya once this update finishes downloading. :)
Are norwegians good at math? Because you use the empty set symbol in your normal writing. I bet 5 years olds are doing advanced set theory in Norway.
I flunked.