Wings and all FFXI on 1 disk


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I was looking for Aht Urghan expansion for the PS2 and was struck by the fact SE quit providing it to suppliers so I waited a week or two to see what was going on. I found this here


and this here


It looks like Wings is included on the Collection disks so no need to buy 2 seperate disks if you are missing an expansion. It does not appear that there will be an all-in-one collection disc for PC users. But there is a collection disc with all up through Aht Urghan.
I agree there will be a collection disc, just I am pre-ordering Wings so I have it (I hope) on the day it comes out. If a collection disk is not listed for release on that date I will have to opt for the individual expansion. Of course that is Thanksgiving day so what are the chances it gets delivered on time and the stores are open? /sigh oh well Just have to try because I know UPS and Fedex won't deliver no matter what on Thanksgiving!

All the EU and Canadians and Aussies and friends in JP are gonna beat us by a couple days :bfg: We in the US expect a full report and for you to post all the relevant information so we can catch up!
Content won't go live til after the ship date for every region. The US gets the game as of 11/20/07, but the content won't be updated until 11/22/07.
Other then being on another server for 90 days the worse part bout all this BS is going to be on Levi when wings comes out and cant experience it will the people i love for a month.
Raise enough hell and you might get back.

The temporary disabling of world transfers is probably linked to you guys status. If so they've acknowledged a problem at least internally, the hard part is busting thier chops enough to offer a solution - even if internally.

If they require a case number to pay attention to your being frauded hit this up:
The problem with the Thanksgiving week release is that even though games ship on Tuesdays, most stores don't have the game on the shelves until Thursday. And since Thursday that week is a holiday.... ;_; I guess a lot of people will have to pick it up Friday and compete with all the Christmas shoppers.

I placed my preorder at GameSpot in the hopes that they'll have it available on Wednesday. Otherwise, I'm going to be out there Friday, fighting the crowds and trying to keep a hold on my sanity. :p
Rock band's date is Black Friday too so I'll have to be out there anyway;_; BTW they just announced official prices for it - $30-40 cheaper than the speculators!

Canadians won't recieve WoTG until Nov 3rd ._. we always get stuffs after you all....I think only the JP's will be hitting them areas right off....
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Yes I will ^^
If I can bring myself back to playing.
Also, Benny, want to send me a US copy of Rock Band and Guitar Hero ^^
Not as fun when you don't know the songs.
holy shit dds...i hear you sold your soul to some woman? And yes, new expansion this winter! COME BACK