Will we ever get the Friends List Updated?

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For someone who's ambiently gathered many people on my Friends List, across many servers and such, it really is a drag to try and manage the Friends List in various ways. Why does it need to reload every time you remove someone off of it? Why does it load in, in increments of 10 making larger friends lists even more annoying to manage? Why can't I player search people who're in an instance?

This isn't even getting to the biggest point I want to make too, which is people unfriending you. You don't know it because you're still friended to them, and the best way to find out is if you try and tell them across servers and it fails, while you know they're not in an instance. Why isn't there a button to auto-purge people off that have unfriended you, or some indicator that they've unfriended you? We've gotten new features around interacting with folks via Blocking/Muting/Filtering and I feel like something I potentially interact with multiple times a day to check in on people needs to be less clunky.

Give us better UI or load times for Friends, the ability to purge people who've removed us, batch unfriending if it needs to reload every time, something better you know?

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