people are talking about the plane moving along the treadmill? doesn't that invalidate the original scenario presented? it seems to me any lateral movement like that and it would just be another runway. I'm late to the party though and don't care enough to go through the miles of responses on this. >.>
Nah, what they're saying is that the plane will take off. The thrust created will be enough to compensate for the speed of the treadmill, since the wheels are moving freely over the runway. The only side effect is the wheels spinning twice as fast as the plane is moving. This shit was on 4chan about a year or so ago, it's probably in 4chanarchive still. I don't recall the conclusion there, i think it was that the plane would launch from a runway sized treadmill, but not the picture, then there was some gay porn spam, maybe some furry and loli.
The plane will fly, barring the bearings in the plane's landing gear binding. The engines force the plane forward along the surface. When enough lift is generated under the wings the plane will take off. There will be an impact to the friction generated by the wheels on the runway, as the wheels will be spinning at twice the speed they normally would to achieve the necessary velocity to take off. To overcome said additional friction you simply apply more force from the engines.

Assume the necessary lift to take off is achieved at 100 kph. At this speed, the runway would be moving at 100 kph in the opposite direction. The plane's velocity is 100 kph, the runway's velocity is 100 kph, and the landing gear wheels' rotational velocity is 200 kph.

The trap people fall into is thinking the rotational velocity of the tires is directly proportional to the velocity of the plane between two points in three dimensional space (four really, as velocity is also a function of time). Other than the frictional forces to overcome via additional thrust, this line reasoning is Sojournian and, thusly, assinine.

Compare a rocket car to a "standard" car with a manual transmission. Assume they both have no brakes. Both drivers decide they want to stop before you slam into the mountain looming in the distance. Rocket car driver results in a fine red mist floating across the mountainside. "Standard" car driver downshifts and lets off the accelerator and hopefully reduces his velocity sufficiently to avoid the impending kiss o' the mountain. This driver can do so because his forward velocity is proportional to the rotational velocity of the tires thanks to the driveline. The two systems are intrinsically linked in this case.

A similar argument to the original could be presented as:
As the plane leaves the runway, the wheels slow down, therefore the plane should lose altitude and land/crash.

I look forward to the argument to add driveline to jets.
his line reasoning is Sojournian and, thusly, assinine.
hahaha. Poor Soj ; ; I think people might be wrongfully thinking the treadmill just magically grabs the whole entire jet and hauls it back as it moves forward, this would be a bad way to think about it because it ignores the wheels just rolling as the treadmill spins, the treadmill would have no way to haul the plane back except for the miniscule frictional force in the wheels.
What if the inflight movie is "Bio Dome" with Polly Shore? Won't the insurmountable force of suck, way the plane down to the point where the laws of physics are broken there by sending the plane backwards in time?
What if the inflight movie is "Bio Dome" with Polly Shore? Won't the insurmountable force of suck, way the plane down to the point where the laws of physics are broken there by sending the plane backwards in time?

Then you're flying on the hindenburg.

No Bio Dome shown on this flight. You can only use in-flight entertainment to watch the following:

Weekend at Bernie's 2
Final Destination
Passenger 57
Big Momma's House 2
Howard the Duck
From Justin to Kelly
On almost every flight I've ever taken they've had one of the in-flight movies a 'crisis on an airliner' type film playing... Executive Decision, Air Force One, that kinda baloney. Wtf.
God Damn, I totally forgot about those! I'll make sure I recommend this to the drunk flight attendant so we can watch them in the future while on the tarmac for 8 hours.
Howard the Duck

You son of a bitch. Howard the Duck is a GREAT movie. Lea Thompson is hot! AND a furry! Some consider it the pinnacle of Jeffrey Jones' career. With his Dick Nelson character coming in a close second.
Other than the frictional forces to overcome via additional thrust, this line reasoning is Sojournian and, thusly, assinine.

I can't believe I read through all of this bullshit only to find THIS LITTLE FUCKING GEM RIGHT HERE. My hatred knows no bounds with you fodder, be prepared for something delicious in return.

Also, a plane won't fucking fit on a treadmill anyway SO WHY DOES IT FUCKING MATTER.
I still stand by the last argument, that the plane in question would crash off the bars on the front of the treadmill, and crash.

So, since the original question was, will it fly?

By the time the front of the plane would be lifted off the treadmill, it would collide with said bars, while the back landing gear is still grounded.

So no! It won't fly! Fuck that picture and this scenario.
Its unnecessary generally, Pussenboots. The plane doesnt take off while remaining stationary, so it'd need a regular runway anyway. Making it move would just be a pain in the ass, and it actually hinders the takeoff, slightly, due to increased friction.
My question is this, if possible that this would work, why has it not been implemented?

Most airline tires are only rated for a maximum speed of 235-255 mph. The tires in this scenario would burst into flames or shred themselves before lifting off the ground.
Could always get slagway tires. The tires used in steel mills in the slag pits. Or better yet, remove the wheels and just use castors. I still say magic carpet is the way to go, only took me 2hours to get to Tokyo from Chicago.
REMEMBER THIS? It's going to be on mythbusters tomorrow night. Should be funny, like Jotaru's face after he finds out im his girlfriend.