What is mean light refraction??

This rainbow effect is clearly due to the presence of dihydrogen monoxide. Sure the video is laughable, but it's easy to get lulled into a feeling of safety and overlook potentially dangerous compounds like this one.

God I haven't laughed that much in ages. Thank you, Varda.
Yeah what Aa said. Nihon Shu
Was funny when I was in the states, and my family wanted to take me to a Japanese restaurant for dinner the night before I flew back. Starters the chef was Philipino, and when I went to look at the sake, the girl informed me that they had good hot sake. If sake is served hot, its about 99% chance its not good sake.
While the specifics of this video are obviously incorrect with respect to heavy metals and such, I think there is another danger here. This rainbow effect is clearly due to the presence of dihydrogen monoxide. Sure the video is laughable, but it's easy to get lulled into a feeling of safety and overlook potentially dangerous compounds like this one.

Check out the FAQ so you can stay well-informed.

lmao I love that site.

On that note, Varda, I think I'm going to dust off my petition to end Women's Suffrage. Too long women have wrongly carried the unnecessary burden of unjust suffrage. This bizarre and unreasonable system must come to an end! I encourage all women who care for their well-being to call their Senators and CongressMan and demand that the end Women's Suffrage not only here, but throughout the world. This is one important social issue that Middle Eastern countries have made great strides in. As America, it is our tradition to take the great ideas from around the world and do them better and this is no exception!

omg... lmao. that makes me think of "the Princess Bride", specifically "you keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."
Razor > No sake isn't served hot if it is good Sake. When sake is heated it basically takes away any individual flavor and makes it very bland, which is why if the sake is bad, you warm it to make it taste better. Warm sake, would be more for winter, when one wanted to warm up. But generally you drink it chilled or room temperature. I personally prefer dry or semi-dry from the Nigata prefecture (famous for rice)