What I would like to see in 8.0
My first MMO was FF11 and to this day its my favorite MMO.
One of my favorite things to do in FF11 was getting the Jobs AF.
Farming keys, going through dangerous zones to find the coffers so you can Open them to get your AF. I died a lot but I had a blast... In FF 14 all you do is talk to a npc to get your full AF set.. I would like to see them get rid of that and do something similar to FF 11
Dungeons - I want to see them be more unique. Reason why I enjoyed ARR dungeons. There was dungens where you had to do more then just kill mobs, like Click on switch or stand on platform, Those little things made dungeons more fun.. I want to see Side dungeons that isn"t tied to MSQ
Gear - Gearing in FF 14 isnt fun at all.. I hope they\\'ll make Gear "fun" maybe add set bonuses. for Example, PLD 1st set bonus would be add a extra charge or Shield lob sits up to 3 mobs. That would make classes a bit more fun to play. Side note I\\'ll like to see Epic Gear.. farming blues give me that Meh feeling.
I would love to see them Port over the Glamour System from FF14 Mobile into Retail
I want that RPG feeling back in the game. I want to put points into my character maybe a Talent Tree or some sort.
I know these wont ever happen, YoshyP is set on the Copy and Paste content but we\\'ll see....
Any way This is what I like to see in 8.0.. What would you guys like to see?
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My first MMO was FF11 and to this day its my favorite MMO.
One of my favorite things to do in FF11 was getting the Jobs AF.
Farming keys, going through dangerous zones to find the coffers so you can Open them to get your AF. I died a lot but I had a blast... In FF 14 all you do is talk to a npc to get your full AF set.. I would like to see them get rid of that and do something similar to FF 11
Dungeons - I want to see them be more unique. Reason why I enjoyed ARR dungeons. There was dungens where you had to do more then just kill mobs, like Click on switch or stand on platform, Those little things made dungeons more fun.. I want to see Side dungeons that isn"t tied to MSQ
Gear - Gearing in FF 14 isnt fun at all.. I hope they\\'ll make Gear "fun" maybe add set bonuses. for Example, PLD 1st set bonus would be add a extra charge or Shield lob sits up to 3 mobs. That would make classes a bit more fun to play. Side note I\\'ll like to see Epic Gear.. farming blues give me that Meh feeling.
I would love to see them Port over the Glamour System from FF14 Mobile into Retail
I want that RPG feeling back in the game. I want to put points into my character maybe a Talent Tree or some sort.
I know these wont ever happen, YoshyP is set on the Copy and Paste content but we\\'ll see....
Any way This is what I like to see in 8.0.. What would you guys like to see?
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